QNX4 on VMware

Would someone be that kind and send me a copy of ricks vmtools please?

The projects server is down?!

Tnx a million…


Original site is down, here is a mirror: openqnx.com/downloads/projects/

Thank you noc…

Now i am confused cos vmwareqnx is older then vmtool_0.4?!

And no second driver version anywhere? I did hope to get a workin driver, this qnx drives me mad.

The Pg.vmware driver freezes my sys to a black screen, anybody knows help?

Well if at this stage you are already going mad I suggest you give up cause this may not be for you ;-)

hm, very helpful hint mario, tnx ;-)

thus there is no documentation from ricks files i’d need some input about how the drivers are workin and can be manipulated?!

i found a workin driver on the qnxdemo disk and am trying to extraxt it at the moment, but the demodisk system does not accept my floppies (formatted under qnx4)?! chrrrrr


got it running and love this qnxdemo really ;-)

I too downloaded your vmtools Rick, but there is no vmtoold file i it, or did you mean to copy/rename vmtool to vmtoold???

Kind regards
