nVidia Nforce


Maybe someone has ported nForce drivers from linux to QNX? Or maybe someone has written some?


Not that I know of. Nvidia anything is unsupported in QNX, unless you have a TNT card. (This is because nvidia won’t release their specs, even under NDA, to anyone, including QSSL).


But as I know there are nforce drivers for linux with source code. So there is chance to modify source code. Besides I tries QNX on computer with Geforce FX video cards and it works, but only on 640x480. But QNX has full support for geforce mx cards. So maybe there is a chance to modify linux source code or not?


The video is almosy certainly VESA. As for the source code, get someone to port it.

alphabt: I don’t beleive there are sources, NVidia only releases binaries


Few day ago I have downloaded nForce with sources, now I can see that there is only packages.


Damn, and I cant find sources anywhere in my PC :frowning:
Yes. I found some older nforce drivers for linux with sources and I found freebsd driver source code for nvnet.



Oh well I didnt want a network driver anyway…

Could someone port NvidiaDisplayDriver from Open Beos / Haiku ? They are opensource and have good 2d Hardware Acceleration !!! :laughing: :laughing: