CodeWarrior Newsgroup

How does one request to add a new news group to INN.QNX.COM ?

I would like to request a new group relating to CodeWarrior and remote
debugging issues for Neutrino.


Mike Konstan <> wrote:

How does one request to add a new news group to INN.QNX.COM ?

I would like to request a new group relating to CodeWarrior and remote
debugging issues for Neutrino.

I believe that the proper way to make this request is to send email to your
customer service rep… then it will funnel its way back to me :slight_smile:

Joe Bishop (

Mike Konstan <> wrote:

How does one request to add a new news group to INN.QNX.COM ?

I would like to request a new group relating to CodeWarrior and remote
debugging issues for Neutrino.

If you have CodeWarrior targeting QNX Neutrino, then there is an email
address included in the release/install notes which is available for
you to ask questions…

