I’ve downloaded the QNX ISO from http://get.qnx.com and installed it under
Windows 98 in a hardfile (“c:\progra~1\qnx”, not separate partition).
Everything seems to go fine but when I try to boot it I get this series of
Detected EIDE. Scanning for devices
This can take up to 30 seconds…
/.diskroot file for root not found on any filesystem
Starting with safe mode
[4102] fs-pkg built: Sep 7 2000 16:00:23
Warning[/pkgs/base/safe-config/etc/system/package/packages] doesn’t seem to
Can’t access package config file
Unable to access packages
At which point it sits there doing nothing. I have to reset the machine.
This happens if I boot from the config.sys bootmenu of from the boot floopy
made during the install procedure.
Could it be my UDMA66 interface?
My system:
Abit BP6 with 2x466Mhz Celerons @ 525Mhz
20.5GB IBM Deskstar on Highpoint 366 UDMA interface
The disk is split into two equal sized partitions. C is FAT32 and contains
Windows98 - this is where I installed QNX. D is NTFS5 and contains Windows
2000 Pro.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
<<–==–>> Paul Smith <<–==–>>