QNX RTP questions


As an experienced QNX user (I use QNX4 for 6 years) I try to
install and customize QNX RTP and I face two problems I can not

  1. I can not find in documentation anything about installing/removing
    printers. I have an HP 1100A, wich is a PNP printer and appears
    in the printers’ list, but I can not configure, install and remove
    it the way I can do under QNX4 Photon. If I try to print, I get
    empty pages.
  2. I have a US Robotics external modem, wich works fine under QNX4
    Photon and Windows98, but does not work with the dialer of QNX RTP.
    On ATZ string I get OK, but on ATM0 string I do not get answer.
    My PC is a 860MHz Pentium III, perhaps it is too fast. If I try
    to dial manually under qtalk, it seems to work correctly, so I
    think the setting of serial port is correct, the dialer must be
    Thanks for any help.

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Jozsef Pal, Ph.D.El.Eng. Voice: +36 1 457-82-26
VEIKI Research Institute Fax: +36 1 457-82-28
Division for Control Engineering Mobil: +36 30 960-69-23
H-1251 Budapest, P.O.B. 80. Email: j.pal@veiki.hu
HUNGARY Web: http://www.veiki.hu