My day start with someone asking for help with QNX and I was glad to be volunter
Then he ask me if was a QNX expert
I flexed my muscle with a big smile
When we got to the lab we log on the system and the greeting was
Welcome to QNX 3.21
Holy shi…
I hear about 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 6.0 …but 3.21 was in 1989 or so
Ok so the goal is to copy a few text file to a dos floppy.
I saw dosfsys and say to myself ‘this is it baby’ then I realized the directory dev don’t exist. you have to use the command mount to see the device
1:/ floppy
2:/ hd
Confuse I decided to copy the file to QNX format and then use QNX 4.25
with (/dev/a)
fdformat 1.4megs
dinit 1:/
cp *.txt 1:/
Now guess what
QNX 4.25 can’t read QNX 3.21
QNX 3.21 can’t read QNX 4.25
Tic tac tic tac
After a lot of struggle I found a command dfs
dfs start a=1
then I typed mount to see the device and a new one was created
ls a:/ (You must have a dos formated disk)
and then i was able to flexed my other muscle.
I believe QNX become POSIX in 1994.