Cannot delete directories!

Dear Newsgroup!

I downloaded a package from a web repositiry of the qnx community. After
installation on QNX 6.1 the files resides in the directory /opt/src/xxx.
Now I would like to delete all files including the directoroes as root
but this is not possible. It seems a little starnge to me.
Can the package installer ban the superuser from doing his job? Did I
make anything wrong with the installation process?

Regards, Thomas

Thomas Reisinger sed in <>:

installation on QNX 6.1 the files resides in the directory /opt/src/xxx.
Now I would like to delete all files including the directoroes as root
but this is not possible. It seems a little starnge to me.

[FAQ candidate]
Those files are “ghost” provided by fs-pkg (package filesystem).
You can slay fs-pkg and watch it disappear (warning: /bin/ls also disappears)

To get the “real” location, issue “pkgctl -i /opt/src/xxx”,
but directly erasing the “real” file will
screw the package filesystem. Don’t.
Uninstall (or “deactivate”) the corresponding package from installer.

(Trying out myself…
Hmm, you can erase&spill files but not directories. “Operation not permitted”
Interesting Gotcha.)
