about build neutrino image filesystem

I’d like to ask if anybody know how to use atribute “chain” in buildfile,
there is written it’s setting address at which neutrino will find the next
image filesystem. I want to have two image filesystem into flash memory,
firrst bootable and the next with additional read-only files. It’s important
to have separete files with images to load into flash.


It does what you expect. You tell it what address to look at for finding
the next image in flash. So if you have a second IFS in flash at the
address 0x200000 (2M) then you can do…



seba <sebastian@psi.mikronika.com.pl> wrote:

I’d like to ask if anybody know how to use atribute “chain” in buildfile,
there is written it’s setting address at which neutrino will find the next
image filesystem. I want to have two image filesystem into flash memory,
firrst bootable and the next with additional read-only files. It’s important
to have separete files with images to load into flash.


Chris McKillop <cdm@qnx.com> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –