Mario Charest wrote:
“enricob” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
David Gibbs wrote:
enricob <>> > wrote:
Why the system has to clear all the released memory, that is
currently not used at the moment ? Beauty or aesthetic problem ?
Discussed that elsewhere
– security
We chose QNX because we appreciated its Real Time features, together
with compatibility with Posix world that facilitate development and
testing. We use it in vertical applications, and I have never heard
about people that are using it as a corporate network OS.
In the QNX world real time performances are much more important
then security aspects.
– programs may depend on it, as it is expected behaviour
The start-up code of any application has the task to properly
initialize static memory at the one’s priority with well known
rules about, other rules exists about initial state of allocated
dynamic memory.
If a program depends on it in the wrong section, it must be corrected.
I am really surprised of this discussion, please let me known if
similar approaches were used in other parts of the OS.
Please let us have a switch to disable such useless and harmful
feature in most cases.
The guy that wrote the kernel was (and still is ) a very very smart
guy. There must be a very good reason why it’s there. Maybe
it could be improve but to call it a “useless and harmfull feature”
is IHMO an overstatement.
I have never had any doubt about the professional ability of the guys
that wrote QNX kernel, that we are using in our products and promoting
to our customers.
But you cannot ask me to accept quietly this fact that is evidently
in contrast with the main and the best feature of QNX: low latency time
and high performances.
We develop simulators for telecom market and often our applications
require a lot of memory. Multiple applications can work concurrently.
We experimented that every 1 Mb of released memory causes a latency of
about 3 ms. An application of ours allocates 24 Mb, when it terminates
the activity of the system stops for 24*3 = 72 ms.
Do you think that this behavior is normal for a real time system ?
After we have clarified the fact, now I able to understand some
problems, that we had in the past, and we were not able to explain after
much work and some embarrassing with our customers.
Perhaps did we forget to read any document ?
We followed the suggestion of David and our main concern was solved
immediately, but what about the effects towards the other devices and
applications under heavy load conditions ?
Are you so certain we will not have any other problem caused by that ?
There are other reality then yours… ( Wow I like the sound of that, I
up with this myself )
All the realities have the right to exists and anyone must take
the own responsibilities and respect the work of the others.
| Enrico Bendinelli | Prisma Engineering srl |
| | Via Petrocchi 4 20127 MILANO ITALY |
| | Tel. +39 02 26113507 Fax. 26113597 |