We have a weird problem with our QNX425 systems:
We have a local 10base2 network connecting our product platforms. The
is based on TCP/IP broadcasts, so the software should not hang if the
network breaks
down anyhow.
If we open the 10base2 connection somewhere, one or more of the systems lock
after a
while. They do not respond to any inputs, all cyclic outputs have stopped
and our “dead man”
alarm is active, so scheduling has stopped also.
any suggestions?
| STN ATLAS Marine Electronics GmbH
| Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Dieter Sander
| Software Navigation Systems, Dept. MST 21
| Kurfuerstenallee 130
| D-28211 Bremen, Germany
| Phone : +49 421 457 3511
| Fax : +49 421 457 2026
| eMail : Heinz-Dieter.Sander@sam-electronics.de
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
We have a weird problem with our QNX425 systems:
We have a local 10base2 network connecting our product platforms. The
is based on TCP/IP broadcasts, so the software should not hang if the
network breaks
down anyhow.
If we open the 10base2 connection somewhere, one or more of the systems lock
after a
while. They do not respond to any inputs, all cyclic outputs have stopped
and our “dead man”
alarm is active, so scheduling has stopped also.
any suggestions?
Yes, what network driver are you running? Also the output from ‘sin’, ‘sin ver’
and ‘sin args’ would help.
| STN ATLAS Marine Electronics GmbH
| Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Dieter Sander
| Software Navigation Systems, Dept. MST 21
| Kurfuerstenallee 130
| D-28211 Bremen, Germany
| Phone : +49 421 457 3511
| Fax : +49 421 457 2026
| eMail : > Heinz-Dieter.Sander@sam-electronics.de
We are running Net.ether1000. The sin outputs follow:
– – Microkernel — ----- — 10448 0
0 1 /boot/sys/Proc32 30f READY — 118k 1310k
0 2 /boot/sys/Slib32 10r RECV 0 53k 4096
0 3 /bin/Fsys 22r RECV 0 77k 14626k
0 4 ./bin/Efsys.r10k.exe 10f RECV 0 49k 36k
0 6 idle 0r READY — 0 16k
0 19 file://5/bin/Dev 24f RECV 0 32k 57k
0 22 file://5/bin/Dev.ansi 20r RECV 0 40k 61k
0 24 file://5/bin/Dev.ser 20r RECV 0 16k 32k
0 25 file://5/bin/Dev.par 9o RECV 0 8192 12k
0 26 file://5/bin/Dev.pty 20r RECV 0 12k 53k
0 27 file://5/bin/Pipe 10r RECV 0 16k 24k
0 50 file://5/bin/Fsys.floppy 10o RECV 0 20k 40k
0 52 file://5/bin/Net 23r RECV 0 32k 49k
0 55 file://5/bin/Net.ether1000 20r RECV 0 28k 28k
0 60 file://5/bin/nameloc 20o RECV 0 6144 24k
0 61 file://5/bin/nameloc 20o REPLY 0 6144 20k
0 73 file://5/usr/ucb/Socklet 22r RECV 0 114k 237k
1 82 file://5/bin/Fsys.dos 10o RECV 0 102k 32k
0 109 file://5//photon/bin/Photon 12r RECV 0 57k 53k
0 111 file://5//bin/phfontall 12r RECV 0 159k 450k
0 117 file://5//atlas.ms.exe 12o RECV 0 36k 77k
0 120 file://5//Null.ms.qnx 10o RECV 0 12k 16k
0 123 file://5//drivers/Pg.rage 12r REPLY 109 135k 159k
0 129 file://5/bin/Input.exe 12o RECV 0 34k 32k
0 137 file://5/bin/Input.exe 10o RECV 0 34k 32k
2 141 file://5//photon/bin/pwm 10o RECV 0 81k 81k
0 149 file://5//photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
0 150 file://5/bin/tinit 10o RECV 0 16k 20k
3 154 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 28k
3 155 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 28k
3 156 /bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 34k 94k
3 169 file://5//bin/error.exe 7o RECV 0 36k 81k
3 179 file://5//bin/landrv.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 36k
3 188 file://5//bin/landrvtxa.exe 10o REPLY 179 45k 40k
3 197 file://5//bin/landrvrxa.exe 10o REPLY 73 49k 40k
3 271 file://5//bin/shipdb.exe 10o RECV 0 40k 49k
3 289 file://5//bin/configdb.exe 10o RECV 0 172k 1720k
3 302 file://5//bin/mondrv.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 28k
3 325 file://5//bin/imbdrv.exe 10o RECV 0 53k 905k
3 341 file://5//bin/Dev.can.exe 10o RECV 0 12k 20k
3 351 file://5/bin/Net.fd 20r RECV 0 24k 65k
3 362 file://5//bin/alarm.exe 10o RECV 0 36k 77k
3 377 file://5//bin/video.exe 8o READY — 61k 45k
3 413 file://5//bin/rscdrv.exe 10o RECV 0 53k 32k
3 430 file://5//bin/cellman.exe 10o RECV 0 61k 32k
3 441 file://5//bin/trackman.exe 10o RECV 0 151k 61k
3 526 file://5//bin/trackmana.exe 10o REPLY 441 110k 40k
3 546 file://5//bin/radar.exe 10o RECV 0 90k 40k
3 570 file://5//bin/chartrx.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 24k
3 584 file://5//bin/chartrxa.exe 10o RECV 589 49k 102k
3 602 file://5//bin/objpro.exe 7o READY — 98k 708k
3 639 file://5//bin/navman.exe 10o RECV 0 57k 73k
3 674 file://5//bin/landata.exe 10o RECV 0 61k 57k
3 694 file://5//bin/shipproc.exe 10o RECV 0 192k 90k
3 784 file://5//bin/pilotman.exe 10o RECV 0 139k 77k
3 813 file://5//bin/systrack.exe 10o RECV 0 86k 45k
3 848 file://5//DspManager.exe 11o RECV 0 24k 45k
3 860 file://5//TargetManager.exe 12o RECV 0 61k 6332k
3 936 file://5//TargetAgent.exe 11o REPLY 860 69k 32k
3 961 file://5//arpa/GuardMap.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 28k
3 1054 file://5//arpa/Guard.exe 10o REPLY 848 32k 368k
3 1055 /bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 34k 69k
3 1056 file://5//photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
3 1089 file://5//r10k/bin/gui.exe 10o RECV 0 503k 1482k
3 1107 file://5//TrackerDebug.exe 10o REPLY 19 65k 73k
3 1291 file://5//bin/jobctl.exe 10o REPLY 0 12k 45k
4 25778 file://5/bin/sin 10o REPLY 1 45k 73k
2 30213 file://5/*/photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
4 30276 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 36k
/boot/sys/Proc32 Proc 4.25J Sep 09 1999
/boot/sys/Slib32 Slib32 4.24B Aug 12 1997
/bin/Fsys Fsys32 4.24V Feb 18 2000
/bin/Fsys Floppy 4.24B Aug 19 1997
file://5/bin/Dev Dev32 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.ansi Dev32.ansi 4.23H Nov 21 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.ser Dev32.ser 4.23I Jun 27 1997
file://5/bin/Dev.par Dev32.par 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.pty Dev32.pty 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Pipe Pipe 4.23A Feb 26 1996
file://5/bin/Net Net 4.25B Jul 27 1998
file://5/bin/Net.ether1000 Net.ether100 4.24B Jul 24 1998
file://5/usr/ucb/Socklet Socklet 4.25G Dec 08 1998
file://5/bin/Fsys.dos Fsys.dos 4.24F Aug 16 1998
file://5/bin/Net.fd Net.fd 4.23A Apr 03 1997
file://5//photon/bin/Photon Photon 1.13D Sep 03 1998
file://5//bin/phfontall Photon Font 1.13A Jul 07 1998
1 System Proc32 -b -n 80 -p 200 -s 16 -t 80 -v 3 -l @00A6
2 System Slib32
3 System Fsys -r5120
4 System Efsys.r10k.exe -n -y – -m/ -m/var
6 System Not available.
19 System Dev -n 40
22 System Dev.ansi -n 3
24 System Dev.ser 3f8,4 2f8,3
25 System Dev.par
26 System Dev.pty -n 10
27 System Pipe
50 System Fsys.floppy
52 System Net
55 System Net.ether1000
60 System nameloc
61 System nameloc
73 System /usr/ucb/Socklet r1k5
82 System Fsys.dos
109 System Photon
111 System phfontall -D/qnx4/photon/font -d/qnx4/photon/font
117 System /qnx4/graphics/drivers/atlas.ms.exe -nqnx/crt -Nqnx/ocrt
120 System /qnx4/graphics/drivers/Null.ms.qnx -cnone -nqnx/ocrt
123 System
/qnx4/graphics/drivers/Pg.rage -HNqnx/crt -M0x255 -g1024x768x8 -A0xD6000000,
0x800000 -WR0xC000 -WB1024 -WM0x475C,5,1,9,0x00800000,0x00000000 -RH
129 System Input.exe kbd kb ps2 -r kb -2 rel -T 14 -G 3
137 System Input.exe kbd kb ps2 -r kb -2 rel -T 14 -G 3
141 System pwm
149 System pterm sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
150 System tinit -T /dev/con1 /dev/con2 /dev/ser2
154 System sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
155 System sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
156 System /bin/sh file://5/home/r10k/bin/r10k.sh -pv
169 System ./error.exe
179 System ./landrv.exe
188 System ./landrvtxa.exe
197 System ./landrvrxa.exe
271 System ./shipdb.exe
289 System ./configdb.exe
302 System ./mondrv.exe
325 System ./imbdrv.exe
341 System ./Dev.can.exe
351 System Net.fd -k1 -l2 /dev/can0
362 System ./alarm.exe
377 System ./video.exe -w8 -f15
413 System ./rscdrv.exe
430 System ./cellman.exe
441 System ./trackman.exe
526 System ./trackmana.exe
546 System ./radar.exe
570 System ./chartrx.exe
584 System ./chartrxa.exe
602 System ./objpro.exe
639 System ./navman.exe
674 System ./landata.exe
694 System ./shipproc.exe
784 System ./pilotman.exe
813 System ./systrack.exe
848 System ./arpa/DspManager.exe
860 System ./arpa/TargetManager.exe
936 System ./arpa/TargetAgent.exe
961 System ./arpa/GuardMap.exe
1054 System ./arpa/Guard.exe
1055 System /bin/sh file://5/home/r10k/bin/r10k.sh -pv
1056 System pterm -S i -L ./TrackerDebug.exe
1089 System ./gui.exe --park
1107 System ./TrackerDebug.exe
1291 System ./jobctl.exe -r gui.exe Guard.exe GuardMap.exe
TargetAgent.exe TargetManager.exe DspManager.exe systrack.exe pilotman.exe
shipproc.exe landata.exe navman.exe objpro.exe chartrxa.exe chartrx.exe
radar.exe trackmana.exe trackman.exe cellman.exe rscdrv.exe video.exe
alarm.exe Net.fd Dev.can.exe imbdrv.exe mondrv.exe configdb.exe shipdb.exe
landrvrxa.exe landrvtxa.exe landrv.exe error.exe
25013 System sin args
30213 System /qnx4/photon/bin/pterm
30276 System /bin/sh
This is rather difficult to trace without your applications! Can you get
this to happen without your applications running? I am running tests here
between 2 machines, but cannot get the machines to hang when the cable is
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
We are running Net.ether1000. The sin outputs follow:
– – Microkernel — ----- — 10448 0
0 1 /boot/sys/Proc32 30f READY — 118k 1310k
0 2 /boot/sys/Slib32 10r RECV 0 53k 4096
0 3 /bin/Fsys 22r RECV 0 77k 14626k
0 4 ./bin/Efsys.r10k.exe 10f RECV 0 49k 36k
0 6 idle 0r READY — 0 16k
0 19 file://5/bin/Dev 24f RECV 0 32k 57k
0 22 file://5/bin/Dev.ansi 20r RECV 0 40k 61k
0 24 file://5/bin/Dev.ser 20r RECV 0 16k 32k
0 25 file://5/bin/Dev.par 9o RECV 0 8192 12k
0 26 file://5/bin/Dev.pty 20r RECV 0 12k 53k
0 27 file://5/bin/Pipe 10r RECV 0 16k 24k
0 50 file://5/bin/Fsys.floppy 10o RECV 0 20k 40k
0 52 file://5/bin/Net 23r RECV 0 32k 49k
0 55 file://5/bin/Net.ether1000 20r RECV 0 28k 28k
0 60 file://5/bin/nameloc 20o RECV 0 6144 24k
0 61 file://5/bin/nameloc 20o REPLY 0 6144 20k
0 73 file://5/usr/ucb/Socklet 22r RECV 0 114k 237k
1 82 file://5/bin/Fsys.dos 10o RECV 0 102k 32k
0 109 file://5//photon/bin/Photon 12r RECV 0 57k 53k
0 111 file://5//bin/phfontall 12r RECV 0 159k 450k
0 117 file://5//atlas.ms.exe 12o RECV 0 36k 77k
0 120 file://5//Null.ms.qnx 10o RECV 0 12k 16k
0 123 file://5//drivers/Pg.rage 12r REPLY 109 135k 159k
0 129 file://5/bin/Input.exe 12o RECV 0 34k 32k
0 137 file://5/bin/Input.exe 10o RECV 0 34k 32k
2 141 file://5//photon/bin/pwm 10o RECV 0 81k 81k
0 149 file://5//photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
0 150 file://5/bin/tinit 10o RECV 0 16k 20k
3 154 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 28k
3 155 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 28k
3 156 /bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 34k 94k
3 169 file://5//bin/error.exe 7o RECV 0 36k 81k
3 179 file://5//bin/landrv.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 36k
3 188 file://5//bin/landrvtxa.exe 10o REPLY 179 45k 40k
3 197 file://5//bin/landrvrxa.exe 10o REPLY 73 49k 40k
3 271 file://5//bin/shipdb.exe 10o RECV 0 40k 49k
3 289 file://5//bin/configdb.exe 10o RECV 0 172k 1720k
3 302 file://5//bin/mondrv.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 28k
3 325 file://5//bin/imbdrv.exe 10o RECV 0 53k 905k
3 341 file://5//bin/Dev.can.exe 10o RECV 0 12k 20k
3 351 file://5/bin/Net.fd 20r RECV 0 24k 65k
3 362 file://5//bin/alarm.exe 10o RECV 0 36k 77k
3 377 file://5//bin/video.exe 8o READY — 61k 45k
3 413 file://5//bin/rscdrv.exe 10o RECV 0 53k 32k
3 430 file://5//bin/cellman.exe 10o RECV 0 61k 32k
3 441 file://5//bin/trackman.exe 10o RECV 0 151k 61k
3 526 file://5//bin/trackmana.exe 10o REPLY 441 110k 40k
3 546 file://5//bin/radar.exe 10o RECV 0 90k 40k
3 570 file://5//bin/chartrx.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 24k
3 584 file://5//bin/chartrxa.exe 10o RECV 589 49k 102k
3 602 file://5//bin/objpro.exe 7o READY — 98k 708k
3 639 file://5//bin/navman.exe 10o RECV 0 57k 73k
3 674 file://5//bin/landata.exe 10o RECV 0 61k 57k
3 694 file://5//bin/shipproc.exe 10o RECV 0 192k 90k
3 784 file://5//bin/pilotman.exe 10o RECV 0 139k 77k
3 813 file://5//bin/systrack.exe 10o RECV 0 86k 45k
3 848 file://5//DspManager.exe 11o RECV 0 24k 45k
3 860 file://5//TargetManager.exe 12o RECV 0 61k 6332k
3 936 file://5//TargetAgent.exe 11o REPLY 860 69k 32k
3 961 file://5//arpa/GuardMap.exe 10o RECV 0 32k 28k
3 1054 file://5//arpa/Guard.exe 10o REPLY 848 32k 368k
3 1055 /bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 34k 69k
3 1056 file://5//photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
3 1089 file://5//r10k/bin/gui.exe 10o RECV 0 503k 1482k
3 1107 file://5//TrackerDebug.exe 10o REPLY 19 65k 73k
3 1291 file://5//bin/jobctl.exe 10o REPLY 0 12k 45k
4 25778 file://5/bin/sin 10o REPLY 1 45k 73k
2 30213 file://5/*/photon/bin/pterm 10o RECV 0 16k 102k
4 30276 file://5/bin/sh 10o WAIT -1 23k 36k
/boot/sys/Proc32 Proc 4.25J Sep 09 1999
/boot/sys/Slib32 Slib32 4.24B Aug 12 1997
/bin/Fsys Fsys32 4.24V Feb 18 2000
/bin/Fsys Floppy 4.24B Aug 19 1997
file://5/bin/Dev Dev32 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.ansi Dev32.ansi 4.23H Nov 21 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.ser Dev32.ser 4.23I Jun 27 1997
file://5/bin/Dev.par Dev32.par 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Dev.pty Dev32.pty 4.23G Oct 04 1996
file://5/bin/Pipe Pipe 4.23A Feb 26 1996
file://5/bin/Net Net 4.25B Jul 27 1998
file://5/bin/Net.ether1000 Net.ether100 4.24B Jul 24 1998
file://5/usr/ucb/Socklet Socklet 4.25G Dec 08 1998
file://5/bin/Fsys.dos Fsys.dos 4.24F Aug 16 1998
file://5/bin/Net.fd Net.fd 4.23A Apr 03 1997
file://5//photon/bin/Photon Photon 1.13D Sep 03 1998
file://5//bin/phfontall Photon Font 1.13A Jul 07 1998
1 System Proc32 -b -n 80 -p 200 -s 16 -t 80 -v 3 -l @00A6
2 System Slib32
3 System Fsys -r5120
4 System Efsys.r10k.exe -n -y – -m/ -m/var
6 System Not available.
19 System Dev -n 40
22 System Dev.ansi -n 3
24 System Dev.ser 3f8,4 2f8,3
25 System Dev.par
26 System Dev.pty -n 10
27 System Pipe
50 System Fsys.floppy
52 System Net
55 System Net.ether1000
60 System nameloc
61 System nameloc
73 System /usr/ucb/Socklet r1k5
82 System Fsys.dos
109 System Photon
111 System phfontall -D/qnx4/photon/font -d/qnx4/photon/font
117 System /qnx4/graphics/drivers/atlas.ms.exe -nqnx/crt -Nqnx/ocrt
120 System /qnx4/graphics/drivers/Null.ms.qnx -cnone -nqnx/ocrt
123 System
/qnx4/graphics/drivers/Pg.rage -HNqnx/crt -M0x255 -g1024x768x8 -A0xD6000000,
0x800000 -WR0xC000 -WB1024 -WM0x475C,5,1,9,0x00800000,0x00000000 -RH
129 System Input.exe kbd kb ps2 -r kb -2 rel -T 14 -G 3
137 System Input.exe kbd kb ps2 -r kb -2 rel -T 14 -G 3
141 System pwm
149 System pterm sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
150 System tinit -T /dev/con1 /dev/con2 /dev/ser2
154 System sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
155 System sh -c (./r10k.sh -pv; read dontcare)
156 System /bin/sh file://5/home/r10k/bin/r10k.sh -pv
169 System ./error.exe
179 System ./landrv.exe
188 System ./landrvtxa.exe
197 System ./landrvrxa.exe
271 System ./shipdb.exe
289 System ./configdb.exe
302 System ./mondrv.exe
325 System ./imbdrv.exe
341 System ./Dev.can.exe
351 System Net.fd -k1 -l2 /dev/can0
362 System ./alarm.exe
377 System ./video.exe -w8 -f15
413 System ./rscdrv.exe
430 System ./cellman.exe
441 System ./trackman.exe
526 System ./trackmana.exe
546 System ./radar.exe
570 System ./chartrx.exe
584 System ./chartrxa.exe
602 System ./objpro.exe
639 System ./navman.exe
674 System ./landata.exe
694 System ./shipproc.exe
784 System ./pilotman.exe
813 System ./systrack.exe
848 System ./arpa/DspManager.exe
860 System ./arpa/TargetManager.exe
936 System ./arpa/TargetAgent.exe
961 System ./arpa/GuardMap.exe
1054 System ./arpa/Guard.exe
1055 System /bin/sh file://5/home/r10k/bin/r10k.sh -pv
1056 System pterm -S i -L ./TrackerDebug.exe
1089 System ./gui.exe --park
1107 System ./TrackerDebug.exe
1291 System ./jobctl.exe -r gui.exe Guard.exe GuardMap.exe
TargetAgent.exe TargetManager.exe DspManager.exe systrack.exe pilotman.exe
shipproc.exe landata.exe navman.exe objpro.exe chartrxa.exe chartrx.exe
radar.exe trackmana.exe trackman.exe cellman.exe rscdrv.exe video.exe
alarm.exe Net.fd Dev.can.exe imbdrv.exe mondrv.exe configdb.exe shipdb.exe
landrvrxa.exe landrvtxa.exe landrv.exe error.exe
25013 System sin args
30213 System /qnx4/photon/bin/pterm
30276 System /bin/sh
I’ve also tested between 2 machines without running our applications and had
no problems in this configuration.
One difference is, that we have cyclic broadcast transfers with our
applications running.
We cannot figure out the conditions to reproduce the problem. Fact is, that
the systems sometimes is totally dead within some minutes after opening the
10base2 connection, so it’s very hard to analyse the problem.
| STN ATLAS Marine Electronics GmbH
| Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Dieter Sander
| Software Navigation Systems, Dept. MST 21
| Kurfuerstenallee 130
| D-28211 Bremen, Germany
| Phone : +49 421 457 3511
| Fax : +49 421 457 2026
| eMail : Heinz-Dieter.Sander@sam-electronics.de
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
I’ve also tested between 2 machines without running our applications and had
no problems in this configuration.
One difference is, that we have cyclic broadcast transfers with our
applications running.
We cannot figure out the conditions to reproduce the problem. Fact is, that
the systems sometimes is totally dead within some minutes after opening the
10base2 connection, so it’s very hard to analyse the problem.
I have had 2 systems running all night with the 10base2 connector removed
and have had no hangups at all. I re-connected them this morning and both
systems continued running. I’m afraid that there is nothing else I can do
unless you can give me a reproducable case without your applications.
You can try running a shell at a high priority to see if you can find
which application is causing the hangup.
| STN ATLAS Marine Electronics GmbH
| Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Dieter Sander
| Software Navigation Systems, Dept. MST 21
| Kurfuerstenallee 130
| D-28211 Bremen, Germany
| Phone : +49 421 457 3511
| Fax : +49 421 457 2026
| eMail : > Heinz-Dieter.Sander@sam-electronics.de
“Hugh Brown” <hsbrown@qnx.com> wrote in message
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
I’ve also tested between 2 machines without running our applications and
no problems in this configuration.
One difference is, that we have cyclic broadcast transfers with our
applications running.
We cannot figure out the conditions to reproduce the problem. Fact is,
the systems sometimes is totally dead within some minutes after opening
10base2 connection, so it’s very hard to analyse the problem.
I have had 2 systems running all night with the 10base2 connector removed
and have had no hangups at all. I re-connected them this morning and both
systems continued running. I’m afraid that there is nothing else I can do
unless you can give me a reproducable case without your applications.
You can try running a shell at a high priority to see if you can find
which application is causing the hangup.
We noticed that the systems are still serving hardware interrupts, so it is
possible that a process with a high priority (Net.ether1000, Socklet??) may
block the system working in a infinite loop.
We think about reducing the priority of the network drivers. May be we can
analyse the problem in this configuration.
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
“Hugh Brown” <> hsbrown@qnx.com> > wrote in message
news:> Voyager.010529113308.1286A@node90.ott.qnx.com> …
Previously, Heinz-Dieter Sander wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
I’ve also tested between 2 machines without running our applications and
no problems in this configuration.
One difference is, that we have cyclic broadcast transfers with our
applications running.
We cannot figure out the conditions to reproduce the problem. Fact is,
the systems sometimes is totally dead within some minutes after opening
10base2 connection, so it’s very hard to analyse the problem.
I have had 2 systems running all night with the 10base2 connector removed
and have had no hangups at all. I re-connected them this morning and both
systems continued running. I’m afraid that there is nothing else I can do
unless you can give me a reproducable case without your applications.
You can try running a shell at a high priority to see if you can find
which application is causing the hangup.
We noticed that the systems are still serving hardware interrupts, so it is
possible that a process with a high priority (Net.ether1000, Socklet??) may
block the system working in a infinite loop.
We think about reducing the priority of the network drivers. May be we can
analyse the problem in this configuration.
If you start a shell at a higher priority than Net, you should be able to
see if any process is running ready.
Heinz-Dieter Sander <HDSander@is-bremen.de> wrote:
We have a local 10base2 network connecting our product platforms. The
communication is based on TCP/IP broadcasts, so the software should not hang
if the network breaks down anyhow.
If we open the 10base2 connection somewhere, one or more of the systems lock
after a while. They do not respond to any inputs, all cyclic outputs have
stopped and our “dead man” alarm is active, so scheduling has stopped also.
I think your problem may be to do with DNS name resolution. We had a similar
problem which turned out be caused by linking the incorrect socket library.
If you remove the file /etc/resolv.conf, I imagine the hanging will disappear
although name resolution will not work.
When we made sure that we included -L/usr/lib in our linkage command the
problem disappeared. Also check where the symlink /usr/lib/socket3r.lib is
pointing - I’m told it should point into tcptk not watcom.
Hope this helps
William Morris