MAC Address == 0


I have a problem with the Net.ether82557 driver and the ethernet controller
in my laptop. When I start the driver netinfo shows the MAC address as
000000 000000. If I set zeroes in the netmap file then all is well,
networking is ok.

The laptop is an IBM a21e, the Net.ether82557 driver operates flawlessly,
except for this strange wrinkle…
Is there a fix ?

TIA Andy…

Firstly, please post the output from starting the driver with -vvv.
Secondly, post the output from show_pci -v.

Thanks, Hugh.

Previously, Andy wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:


I have a problem with the Net.ether82557 driver and the ethernet controller
in my laptop. When I start the driver netinfo shows the MAC address as
000000 000000. If I set zeroes in the netmap file then all is well,
networking is ok.

The laptop is an IBM a21e, the Net.ether82557 driver operates flawlessly,
except for this strange wrinkle…
Is there a fix ?

TIA Andy…

use the “-m” option to provide the real mac address of the card to the
driver (you may be able to get it by running Windoze or Linux).

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy []
Posted At: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:32 PM
Posted To: qnx4
Conversation: MAC Address == 0
Subject: MAC Address == 0


I have a problem with the Net.ether82557 driver and the ethernet
in my laptop. When I start the driver netinfo shows the MAC address as
000000 000000. If I set zeroes in the netmap file then all is well,
networking is ok.

The laptop is an IBM a21e, the Net.ether82557 driver operates
except for this strange wrinkle…
Is there a fix ?

TIA Andy…


Thanks for the reply.
When I start "Net.ether82557 -vvv -l1 -p1840 & " I get -
Warning EEPROM checksum mismatch

Mode = 100BTFD
Vendor … 0x8086
Device … 0x1229
Revision … 0xc
I/O port base… 0x1840
Interrupt … 0xb
MAC address … 000000 000000
The eeprom mismatch may be a clue…
Attached is a copy of the show_pci -v…

Also thanks to Rennei Allan- using the “-m nnnn nnnn” enters the correct mac
address. I had seen it documented on other drivers but not this one… Is it
policy to support -m on all drivers ??


Hugh Brown <> wrote in message

Firstly, please post the output from starting the driver with -vvv.
Secondly, post the output from show_pci -v.

Thanks, Hugh.

Previously, Andy wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

I have a problem with the Net.ether82557 driver and the ethernet
in my laptop. When I start the driver netinfo shows the MAC address as
000000 000000. If I set zeroes in the netmap file then all is well,
networking is ok.

The laptop is an IBM a21e, the Net.ether82557 driver operates
except for this strange wrinkle…
Is there a fix ?

TIA Andy…


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Yes, it looks as though there is a problem with the EEPROM on your machine,
due to the fact that the checksum doesn’t match. Your only override then is
to use the -m option. This option is in most of our network drivers.


Previously, Andy wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:


Thanks for the reply.
When I start "Net.ether82557 -vvv -l1 -p1840 & " I get -
Warning EEPROM checksum mismatch

Mode = 100BTFD
Vendor … 0x8086
Device … 0x1229
Revision … 0xc
I/O port base… 0x1840
Interrupt … 0xb
MAC address … 000000 000000
The eeprom mismatch may be a clue…
Attached is a copy of the show_pci -v…

Also thanks to Rennei Allan- using the “-m nnnn nnnn” enters the correct mac
address. I had seen it documented on other drivers but not this one… Is it
policy to support -m on all drivers ??


Hugh Brown <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
Firstly, please post the output from starting the driver with -vvv.
Secondly, post the output from show_pci -v.

Thanks, Hugh.

Previously, Andy wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

I have a problem with the Net.ether82557 driver and the ethernet
in my laptop. When I start the driver netinfo shows the MAC address as
000000 000000. If I set zeroes in the netmap file then all is well,
networking is ok.

The laptop is an IBM a21e, the Net.ether82557 driver operates
except for this strange wrinkle…
Is there a fix ?

TIA Andy…
