can i install qnx 6.1 on a flash disk (128 MB)?


I would like install qnx on flash disk of 128 MB. Is it possible?
Is possible to boot from flash disk with qnx installed?


Hi Padur,

Yes and Yes. For installing QNX on CF, please search for CF and boot on this site and the rest of your questions will be answered.


Thanks fmartens.

But I have qnx 6.1 to install from windows on flash disk, but i need 200 MB space disk. How can i install qnx on flash disk? It is possible install qnx only with line command, without graghics? How?

I hope your help

Sorry for my english.

Sure it is. But it’s much more difficult. You have to make an image file system. Check the commands mkifs and dinit, and the websites: … 310_3.html … 311_3.html

And, of couse, do use the Google search machine for this very useful website :- >>

I’m new on QNX too and I’ve recently installed it into a cf. It’s not been easy for me, and information on the internet is not always the best (some sample buildfiles don’t work.)

I’m thinking in writing a tutorial about how to install QNX in a cf for a very new QNX user. But I’m very busy, so it has to wait. And it would be in Spanish, cause you can see my English is a little poor :- >>

once you’ve written it, please give me notice. maybe i can translate it for you. by the way, as long as the technical information is precise, many people will be happy to struggle their way through poor English. so my offer is just in case of writing in English, poor or rich, is a burden to you.
regards Helge

Great. I will probably (sure) do it next month. I’ll tell you. Thanks.

Hello grillosolitario

thanks. I hope you could write soon it. And if it is in spanish, mejor.

I live in Seville.


Quillo, pues casi que me llamas y quedamos, que yo también soy de Sevilla. No me lo peudo creer… ¿No estarás estudiando ingeniería?
Ah, otra web útil:


Hey guy!, you better phone me and we meet. I’m from Seville too. Studying Engeneering?
Another useful web:

Sorry for the semi-private message. I’ve tried to send real private messages several times, but when I press the submit button it doesn’t send the message (it returns to the editor).

Padur, watch there: … highlight=
after mounting the qnxbase file, i only copied the things I needed so it was below 120 MB.

good luck,

Thanks grillosolitario, thanks tele tommy.

Yes, i am an industrial engineer. Your help is very useful. I hope to be able to install qnx in the compact flash of 128 MB, and boot up from it. If you have some edited manual you write me, please. This is my mail.

Write me to see if we can be to talk.
