Network cards problem

Hello everybody!

I have a computer based on ASUS TUSI-M (SiS 630ET) motherboard with
integrated network adapter. QNX utility “nettrap” doesn’t see integrated
network adapter. It doesn’t see it at all. When I insert external network
adapter (f.e. NE2000 compatible, but I tried others) nettrap finds it and
returns driver name and parameters, but when I try to start it, os tells me
“initialization error” or hangs up.
I will highly appreciate any help,
Thank you in advance.

Please post the output from ‘show_pci -vvv’, so we can see what type of
network adapter you have on the motherboard.

Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

Hello everybody!

I have a computer based on ASUS TUSI-M (SiS 630ET) motherboard with
integrated network adapter. QNX utility “nettrap” doesn’t see integrated
network adapter. It doesn’t see it at all. When I insert external network
adapter (f.e. NE2000 compatible, but I tried others) nettrap finds it and
returns driver name and parameters, but when I try to start it, os tells me
“initialization error” or hangs up.
I will highly appreciate any help,
Thank you in advance.

Here is the output from ‘show_pci -vvv’. I hope it will help us.

“Hugh Brown” <> wrote in message

Please post the output from ‘show_pci -vvv’, so we can see what type of
network adapter you have on the motherboard.

begin 666 PCIINFO.TXT
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:frowning:" @(" @(" @(" @(" @(" @(" @(" @"@H

This should just run with the Net.ether1000 driver. Just start ‘Net &’
and then ‘Net.ether1000 &’.

Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

Here is the output from ‘show_pci -vvv’. I hope it will help us.

“Hugh Brown” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
Please post the output from ‘show_pci -vvv’, so we can see what type of
network adapter you have on the motherboard.

Sure. “nettrap” says that too. But when I try to start driver, it says:

and after that driver prosess finishes its work.
Can you tell me, please, what do these error codes mean?

Yesterday I tried to use network adapter which name is
3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX)
nettrap choose Net.ether905 driver, but when I try to start it, it just
the system up. There is a strange thing: nettrap choose 255 interruption for
this adapter, when I change it to 9th (I took it from Windows configuration
for this computer), driver starts succesfully. And since this moment OS
tells me that everything is okay, but I can’t even ping another computer.

“Hugh Brown” <> wrote in message

This should just run with the Net.ether1000 driver. Just start ‘Net &’
and then ‘Net.ether1000 &’.

Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

Sure. “nettrap” says that too. But when I try to start driver, it says:

and after that driver prosess finishes its work.
Can you tell me, please, what do these error codes mean?

If you do a ‘netinfo -a’ it will list these error codes. Are you starting
the driver without any arguments?

Yesterday I tried to use network adapter which name is
3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX)
nettrap choose Net.ether905 driver, but when I try to start it, it just
the system up. There is a strange thing: nettrap choose 255 interruption for
this adapter, when I change it to 9th (I took it from Windows configuration
for this computer), driver starts succesfully. And since this moment OS
tells me that everything is okay, but I can’t even ping another computer.

Don’t use nettrap, just start the driver as ‘Net.ether905 &’ and it should
auto-detect the adapter. When you say that you cannot ping another machine,
are you starting Socket after the driver? Also the output from ‘show_pci -v’
will be helpful.

What version of the O/S are you using? Please post the output from ‘sin ver’.

“Hugh Brown” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
This should just run with the Net.ether1000 driver. Just start ‘Net &’
and then ‘Net.ether1000 &’.


“Hugh Brown” <> wrote in message

Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
Sure. “nettrap” says that too. But when I try to start driver, it says:

If you do a ‘netinfo -a’ it will list these error codes. Are you starting
the driver without any arguments?

I’ve tried to start it with arguments and without them a plenty of time, the
result was always the same: these initialization errors.

Yesterday I tried to use network adapter which name is
3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX)
nettrap choose Net.ether905 driver, but when I try to start it, it just
the system up. There is a strange thing: nettrap choose 255 interruption
this adapter, when I change it to 9th (I took it from Windows
for this computer), driver starts succesfully. And since this moment OS
tells me that everything is okay, but I can’t even ping another

Don’t use nettrap, just start the driver as ‘Net.ether905 &’ and it should
auto-detect the adapter. When you say that you cannot ping another
are you starting Socket after the driver? Also the output from
‘show_pci -v’
will be helpful.

Another one adapter came into my hand. It’s INTEL SB82558B. nettrap says
that approptiate driver is Net.ether82557. Accoding to your advice I have
tried to start it with argument and without them. If I try to start it with
nettrap arguments or without them, driver hang the OS up. If I start it with
9th interruption, it starts successfully (have a look at ps.txt). Then I
start Socket and make configuration with ifconfig commnad. Since this it
looks like everything is okay, but I don’t see other computer (even can’t
ping 'em).
For your analyzing I post output from ‘show_pci -v’ for this adapter

What version of the O/S are you using? Please post the output from ‘sin

Output from ‘sin ver’ is in verinf.txt

In my opinion, there is an incompatibility between motherboard (ASUS TUSI-M
(SiS 630ET)) and operating system software, because all these adapters work
under Windows on this computer and work under QNX on others computers.

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I think I know what your problem is. You will have to go into the bios
setup on this motherboard and say “NO” to PnP O/S. Once you reboot the
machine, the driver should work normally (ie. without command line

Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

“Hugh Brown” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
Previously, Merlin wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
Sure. “nettrap” says that too. But when I try to start driver, it says:

If you do a ‘netinfo -a’ it will list these error codes. Are you starting
the driver without any arguments?

I’ve tried to start it with arguments and without them a plenty of time, the
result was always the same: these initialization errors.

Yesterday I tried to use network adapter which name is
3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX)
nettrap choose Net.ether905 driver, but when I try to start it, it just
the system up. There is a strange thing: nettrap choose 255 interruption
this adapter, when I change it to 9th (I took it from Windows
for this computer), driver starts succesfully. And since this moment OS
tells me that everything is okay, but I can’t even ping another

Don’t use nettrap, just start the driver as ‘Net.ether905 &’ and it should
auto-detect the adapter. When you say that you cannot ping another
are you starting Socket after the driver? Also the output from
‘show_pci -v’
will be helpful.

Another one adapter came into my hand. It’s INTEL SB82558B. nettrap says
that approptiate driver is Net.ether82557. Accoding to your advice I have
tried to start it with argument and without them. If I try to start it with
nettrap arguments or without them, driver hang the OS up. If I start it with
9th interruption, it starts successfully (have a look at ps.txt). Then I
start Socket and make configuration with ifconfig commnad. Since this it
looks like everything is okay, but I don’t see other computer (even can’t
ping 'em).
For your analyzing I post output from ‘show_pci -v’ for this adapter

What version of the O/S are you using? Please post the output from ‘sin
Output from ‘sin ver’ is in verinf.txt

In my opinion, there is an incompatibility between motherboard (ASUS TUSI-M
(SiS 630ET)) and operating system software, because all these adapters work
under Windows on this computer and work under QNX on others computers.


Yes, yes, yes! Thank you! Thank you very much! It works!
I’m very grateful to you for your help.
It seems you are really monster of QNX network :slight_smile:
Thank you one more time!

“Hugh Brown” <> wrote in message

I think I know what your problem is. You will have to go into the bios
setup on this motherboard and say “NO” to PnP O/S. Once you reboot the
machine, the driver should work normally (ie. without command line