QNX 4.25 and Dynapro SC4 driver?

Does anyone know where I can get a dynapro SC4 driver for QNX 4.25 Photon?

The SC3 driver doesn’t work with our hardware. Something about SC4 using 5
bytes per calibration point vs. 3 bytes for SC3. Neither the QNX nor
Dynapro (3M) rep wanted to do one (each said the other should).


“Ken Price” <kprice@harscotrack.com> wrote in message

Does anyone know where I can get a dynapro SC4 driver for QNX 4.25 Photon?

The SC3 driver doesn’t work with our hardware. Something about SC4 using
bytes per calibration point vs. 3 bytes for SC3. Neither the QNX nor
Dynapro (3M) rep wanted to do one (each said the other should).

That’s strange, as I’m sure we’d explore the issue via Custom Eng. Who is
your QNX Sales rep?



QNX Software Systems Ltd.
[ amallory@qnx.com ]

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On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
–Peter J. Schoenster <pschon@baste.magibox.net>