A big Thanks to QDN for QNX Rtp But, I NEED HELP......

Hello this is going to be somewhat of a long winded post so you may
want to pour yourself a cup of joe or grab a beer. I have been trying
and trying to achieve 16bit color on my panasonic cf62 for the last
two years with Xfree 86 and Linux, to no avail. Now I have found this
wonderful QNX Rtp allows me to do this with the chips and tech video
adapter that my laptop has. Great! Oh my gosh I have an amd scsi bus
that the cdrom needs to work. I tried and tried to install the cd with
the floppy created from the cd and the cd itself, even from within a
version of windoz 95. Nothing doing. FINE! I installed it on a desktop
that has a completely different processor and alot more ram. Then I
take the hard drive from the laptop plugged it into the desktop and
Diskcloned to the laptop drive. I go up to the living room where my
laptop sits and plug in the hard drive and fire it up, at this very
same moment my two children are sitting rather calmly in the living
room like the quiet after a storm. My boy matter of factly points out
to me that his sister had just spilled water all over my laptop! So I
dont even look to see if QNX is booting I get the sucker shut down
pronto. Terror ensues. After dealing with the little angels I tear
into my laptop because I cant get it to boot with keyboard errors. I
thought that the keyboard popping up off of the face of the laptop
with the neat sounding mechanism and the cd tray coming from within
like it was sticking its toungue out at you was really cool untill I
had to take the thing apart. SEVERAL hours later I finally get the
thing working again and feeling lucky to have avoided so much hardware
damage. I am delighted to switch it on and have QNX RTP boot for me.
PH and I am starting up Photon and it does a successful trap and
driver installation for the chips HiQ video adapter and Eureka 16bit
color. This is fantastic I finally got a unix os with the colors of
breaking windoz. But now I have a more grueling task and this is where
I hope someone can help. Mouse, video, keyboard, are all ok up to this
point. I have NO /fs directory with any external file system devices.
I know there is an amd driver for my scsi controller (devb-amd) and
one for the floppy. I have ESS1888 audiodrive and its not working
either. Can someone please point me in the right direction to get this
other stuff working. I would sure not like to have to go back to
windows after all this trouble. To anyone who can help. I thank you


Did you run the devb-amd driver? Does it detect the drive?
The ESS1888 is unfortunately not supported.

Steambomb <tdoxshad@mindspring.com> wrote:
: Hello this is going to be somewhat of a long winded post so you may
: want to pour yourself a cup of joe or grab a beer. I have been trying
: and trying to achieve 16bit color on my panasonic cf62 for the last
: two years with Xfree 86 and Linux, to no avail. Now I have found this
: wonderful QNX Rtp allows me to do this with the chips and tech video
: adapter that my laptop has. Great! Oh my gosh I have an amd scsi bus
: that the cdrom needs to work. I tried and tried to install the cd with
: the floppy created from the cd and the cd itself, even from within a
: version of windoz 95. Nothing doing. FINE! I installed it on a desktop
: that has a completely different processor and alot more ram. Then I
: take the hard drive from the laptop plugged it into the desktop and
: Diskcloned to the laptop drive. I go up to the living room where my
: laptop sits and plug in the hard drive and fire it up, at this very
: same moment my two children are sitting rather calmly in the living
: room like the quiet after a storm. My boy matter of factly points out
: to me that his sister had just spilled water all over my laptop! So I
: dont even look to see if QNX is booting I get the sucker shut down
: pronto. Terror ensues. After dealing with the little angels I tear
: into my laptop because I cant get it to boot with keyboard errors. I
: thought that the keyboard popping up off of the face of the laptop
: with the neat sounding mechanism and the cd tray coming from within
: like it was sticking its toungue out at you was really cool untill I
: had to take the thing apart. SEVERAL hours later I finally get the
: thing working again and feeling lucky to have avoided so much hardware
: damage. I am delighted to switch it on and have QNX RTP boot for me.
: PH and I am starting up Photon and it does a successful trap and
: driver installation for the chips HiQ video adapter and Eureka 16bit
: color. This is fantastic I finally got a unix os with the colors of
: breaking windoz. But now I have a more grueling task and this is where
: I hope someone can help. Mouse, video, keyboard, are all ok up to this
: point. I have NO /fs directory with any external file system devices.
: I know there is an amd driver for my scsi controller (devb-amd) and
: one for the floppy. I have ESS1888 audiodrive and its not working
: either. Can someone please point me in the right direction to get this
: other stuff working. I would sure not like to have to go back to
: windows after all this trouble. To anyone who can help. I thank you
: emmensely.

: Tracy