Q: How to send/get email from within a programm

Hello all,

Being new to QNX (and unix) I need to know how to receive and send email
messages from within an application.

Receiving : no clue what-so-ever :frowning:

Sending : Will calling execl (or other function) with a command line
string for vmail with parameters be enough. Won’t I be severely limited
by the max length of such a string ?

My application will be receiving an email about once an hour, and
sending an email about once a day. Would it be better to have some email
program running all of the time, and communicate with it some how ?

Quite experienced with RT / Embeddded and other RTOS, just never done
email in an embedded system before. Any input will be welcome.

Shmuel Kahn

Shmuel Kahn,
Project Manager
E-magin Display Technologies.