default option when diskboot runs devb-eide

Hi, I’m struggling to install and boot QNXRTP in its own partition
without CD-ROM (ThinkPad X20, I own).

Now I find diskboot runs devb-eide with ‘blk -auto=partition dos exec=all’.
I think it cause to search and mount base.qfs on dos filesystem, so it’ll
be okey to customize the arguments of devb-eide given by diskboot.

But this argument seems to be embedded in diskboot binary in IFS file
when being created by mkifs…

I suspect mkifs checks its configuration file, but cannot find it.
(I find out and change /etc/system/include/device/block, but no change’s

Is there any way to customize diskboot’s devb-eide argument?



Previously, Dai.K. wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.installation:

Hi, I’m struggling to install and boot QNXRTP in its own partition
without CD-ROM (ThinkPad X20, I own).

Now I find diskboot runs devb-eide with ‘blk -auto=partition dos exec=all’.
I think it cause to search and mount base.qfs on dos filesystem, so it’ll
be okey to customize the arguments of devb-eide given by diskboot.

But this argument seems to be embedded in diskboot binary in IFS file
when being created by mkifs…

I suspect mkifs checks its configuration file, but cannot find it.
(I find out and change /etc/system/include/device/block, but no change’s

Is there any way to customize diskboot’s devb-eide argument?


Rinn >

Havn’t tested this but from the usage message

root@buffelboff#use diskboot
diskboot [options]…

-d dir Directory to search for .qfs files on partition filesystems.
default: qnx - /boot/fs
dos - /Program Files/qnx/boot/fs
linux - /qnx/boot/fs
-e Search ext2 paritions.
-o cmd,options
Provide options to a command.
-o “devb-eide,blk cache=30m” (eide block driver only)
-o “devb-*,blk cache=30m” (all block drivers)
-o “pci-bios,-m” (pci-bios)
-s Start drivers and filesystems but do not run fs-pkg or the sysinit.
-t Increase disk timeouts 10 sec with each -t (default: 15 sec).
-v Be more verbose with each -v.
-x drvr Exclude this driver. Provide the full name. ie: -x devb-eide


Diskboot is built into the bootimage for systems which boot from a
block device. If you press the space bar while diskboot is running it
will allow you to select additional options.

You should be able to use the -o parameter?


On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 13:37:36 +0000, phearbear <> wrote:

You should be able to use the -o parameter?

thanks for your response, but I’m sure to use -o option.
This is my buildfile:
| [+script] startup-script = {
| [pri=10o] PATH=/proc/boot diskboot -v -D0 -o “devb-eide,blk auto=none”
| }

Pushing Space->F6 key in booting, display following messages just before
a slash rolling in 30 seconds(/ - \ - /) (in this time searching HDD I think).

| Starting devb-eide blk auto=partition dos exec=all blk auto=none

Ouch X-)

Havn’t tested this but from the usage message

root@buffelboff#use diskboot
diskboot [options]…

I seem /sbin/diskboot and /proc/boot/diskboot are not a same.
AFAIK, the directory /proc/boot is IFS image which is booted.

-d dir Directory to search for .qfs files on partition filesystems.
default: qnx - /boot/fs
dos - /Program Files/qnx/boot/fs
linux - /qnx/boot/fs

Wmm, moving .qfs file from dos filesystem to QFS partition may work well.
But I would like to cut off 30-seconds search…
Is there any idea do you have?
