Hardware Detect

I connected a device to my sys. theorically it works but how can I have a visible reply (?? I don’t know if is it correct - I’m sorry)

the device is a PCI card but with #PCI (or PCI -v ecc) I can’t see it.

other ways?

If you can’t see it with the command pci -v then it’s dead, doesn’t conform to PCI specs, or something is wrong with the reset of the PC.

Not sure what you mean by “#PCI ( or PCU -v ecc)”

the same for pci -v :stuck_out_tongue:

however, pci -v doesn’t list me the board…

there is no other ways?

because the real problem is that I have no driver for this card, and I’m porting it from linux. But it gives me a problem loading the card at start time, so I can’t test it to know if it really work or not (ah, my delirant english!! I hope you understand…)