Matrox G450

Hi All,

I went from Patch A to Patch C and still can’t get my Matrox G450 into a
proper resolution. At every resolution I get a out of range message from my
IIYama monitor. I’m using the VESA driver again. When will the matrox driver
support the G450 Dual head???


Hi Freddy,

Support for the G450 will be available soon in our next release. This will
not be dual head however. At this time I can’t say if/when dual head will
be supported.



fmartens-2000 <> wrote:

Hi All,

I went from Patch A to Patch C and still can’t get my Matrox G450 into a
proper resolution. At every resolution I get a out of range message from my
IIYama monitor. I’m using the VESA driver again. When will the matrox driver
support the G450 Dual head???
