Hi there,
referring to some discussions above:
yes, i am a bumpkin who seems to need one:
HW: PIII, D-LINK Ethernetcard (PCI, 10MB)
I need a target that simply opens up for pdebug:
can I make a bootimage on a floppy-disk doing that for me?
i tried the examples
and after going through the group I guess
my image is too big.
(I get all them dots and then it crashes … )
what minimum do i need to run the pdebug over ethernet and
maybe a network file system to get data over to my host.
can i fit this on a floppy, or do I have to use the netwfilesystem
to get it done?
“Kail” <kail@eaee.ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote in message
Hi there,
referring to some discussions above:
yes, i am a bumpkin who seems to need one:
HW: PIII, D-LINK Ethernetcard (PCI, 10MB)
I need a target that simply opens up for pdebug:
can I make a bootimage on a floppy-disk doing that for me?
i tried the examples
and after going through the group I guess
my image is too big.
(I get all them dots and then it crashes … > > )
Be patient 6.1 supports bigger image
what minimum do i need to run the pdebug over ethernet and
maybe a network file system to get data over to my host.
can i fit this on a floppy, or do I have to use the netwfilesystem
to get it done?
There is a sample of such an image that boots over the network (nfs)
it’s located in /x86/boot/build I beleive and is called