
Has anyone had any luck configuring Kermit95 for use with RTP? More
specifically with qed and the keypad ‘+’ key for toggling between command
and text mode? If so, what is the solution?

I am not sure about RTP, but in Qnx 4.25 I put the following in the
K95custom.ini file.

set key \363 \43
set key \365 \45
set key \875 {255}{167}
set key \877 {255}{163}

This will swap the normal shifted/un-shifted keypad + and -

Hope this helps.

-Glenn Sherman

“RoverFan” <> wrote in message

Has anyone had any luck configuring Kermit95 for use with RTP? More
specifically with qed and the keypad ‘+’ key for toggling between command
and text mode? If so, what is the solution?