It is possible to create Embedded File System using mkefs util. I have made
it using example of build script help. So I have a *.qfs file. Is it
possible to mount it as a file system? Does any util exist which can extract
files from this *.qfs file (is there any util which does the opposite
Trofimov Alexandr
Alexandr Trofimov <a.trofimov@swd.ru> wrote:
It is possible to create Embedded File System using mkefs util. I have made
it using example of build script help. So I have a *.qfs file. Is it
possible to mount it as a file system? Does any util exist which can extract
files from this *.qfs file (is there any util which does the opposite
I don’t believe there is a utility to tear out files from an embedded FS.
You can use mkimage to put together a OS image and an embedded image, and
gain access to it that way. Or you could write a custom flashFS driver
to mount these filesystems and provide the functionality you require.