Timeout for recvfrom

I want to have a timeout on a recvfrom call. I tried using the TimerTimeout
function - it does not seem to have worked.

Will TimerTimeout work with the recvfrom call?

tTO_Event.sigev_notify = SIGEV_UNBLOCK;
ui64Timeout = 5LL * NSEC_PER_SEC;
&tTO_Event, &ui64Timeout, NULL );

iRecvBytes = recvfrom ( sd, TempBuffer, sizeof(TempBuffer), 0, (struct
sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen );
iSaved_errno = errno;


Mike Nunan

Michael Nunan wrote:

I want to have a timeout on a recvfrom call. I tried using the TimerTimeout
function - it does not seem to have worked.

Will TimerTimeout work with the recvfrom call?

tTO_Event.sigev_notify = SIGEV_UNBLOCK;
ui64Timeout = 5LL * NSEC_PER_SEC;
&tTO_Event, &ui64Timeout, NULL );

iRecvBytes = recvfrom ( sd, TempBuffer, sizeof(TempBuffer), 0, (struct
sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen );
iSaved_errno = errno;

TimerTimeout will definately work with recvfrom (recvfrom is just a
cover for MsgSendv); but have you looked at the SO_SNDTIMEO, and
SO_RCVTIMEO socket options ? (these may be more appropriate as they are
a little less “harsh”).

I think your problem might be that you aren’t using the provided macro
to set the event structure.


I think you need to use setsockopt() function… or ioctl()…

Michael Nunan wrote:

I want to have a timeout on a recvfrom call. I tried using the TimerTimeout
function - it does not seem to have worked.

Will TimerTimeout work with the recvfrom call?

tTO_Event.sigev_notify = SIGEV_UNBLOCK;
ui64Timeout = 5LL * NSEC_PER_SEC;
&tTO_Event, &ui64Timeout, NULL );

iRecvBytes = recvfrom ( sd, TempBuffer, sizeof(TempBuffer), 0, (struct
sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen );
iSaved_errno = errno;


Mike Nunan

Cláudio Cardozo
cazo@infax.com.br, cazo@bol.com.br