Network fails: No buffer space available

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails with
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility fails
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them). It
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both tcpip
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I can
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be helpful,
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf and
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login dialog
did not appear.


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Ok…I was finally able to get it to fail again…I just had to leave it
long enough…

But I can ping and I can ping the nic’s ip address (10.10.0.:sunglasses:,
but I’m unable to ping any outside address.


“Kevin Stallard” <> wrote in message

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both tcpip
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I can
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be helpful,
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login
did not appear.



When you ping your own IP address or loopback address the packet gets looped
back in the IP layer itself.So you will not be actually using any network
resources.Try increasing your Transmit buffer descriptors.Btw are you doing
ping flood?


“Kevin Stallard” <> wrote in message

Ok…I was finally able to get it to fail again…I just had to leave it
long enough…

But I can ping and I can ping the nic’s ip address (10.10.0.> :sunglasses:> ,
but I’m unable to ping any outside address.


“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …
I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login
did not appear.



No…just sending and receiving a lot of UDP traffic.


“Sreekanth” <> wrote in message

When you ping your own IP address or loopback address the packet gets
back in the IP layer itself.So you will not be actually using any network
resources.Try increasing your Transmit buffer descriptors.Btw are you
ping flood?


“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah507m$86r$>> …
Ok…I was finally able to get it to fail again…I just had to leave it
long enough…

But I can ping and I can ping the nic’s ip address
(10.10.0.> :sunglasses:> ,
but I’m unable to ping any outside address.


“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …
I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto()
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login
did not appear.



And that makes sense, because QNET gets hammered as well (doesn’t work) when
this happens.


“Sreekanth” <> wrote in message

When you ping your own IP address or loopback address the packet gets
back in the IP layer itself.So you will not be actually using any network
resources.Try increasing your Transmit buffer descriptors.Btw are you
ping flood?


“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah507m$86r$>> …
Ok…I was finally able to get it to fail again…I just had to leave it
long enough…

But I can ping and I can ping the nic’s ip address
(10.10.0.> :sunglasses:> ,
but I’m unable to ping any outside address.


“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …
I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto()
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login
did not appear.



k…I think I found it…it seems that IRQ 11 is flaky and IRQ 10 doesn’t
work at all. I finally got everything to work consistently by having IRQ 5
assign to my NIC…so far so good anyway.

But I’m pretty sure its an IRQ thing…so thanks for all the help.

“Kevin Stallard” <> wrote in message

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails
the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility
with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).
requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both tcpip
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I can
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be helpful,
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf
task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login
did not appear.



It’s in the BIOS setup…you tell the BIOS that the IRQs you don’t want to
use are reserved. I told it to reserver 11 and 10, and then it assigned 5
to the nic.

Also, it may depend on which slot you have your card…

“Miguel Simon” <> wrote in message

Hi Kevin…

I wonder how you forced an irq on your NIC card? Thanks.


Kevin Stallard wrote:

k…I think I found it…it seems that IRQ 11 is flaky and IRQ 10
work at all. I finally got everything to work consistently by having
assign to my NIC…so far so good anyway.

But I’m pretty sure its an IRQ thing…so thanks for all the help.

“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails


the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility


with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).


requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf


task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login


did not appear.



Hi Kevin…

I wonder how you forced an irq on your NIC card? Thanks.


Kevin Stallard wrote:

k…I think I found it…it seems that IRQ 11 is flaky and IRQ 10 doesn’t
work at all. I finally got everything to work consistently by having IRQ 5
assign to my NIC…so far so good anyway.

But I’m pretty sure its an IRQ thing…so thanks for all the help.

“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails


the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility


with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).


requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both tcpip
and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I can
reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be helpful,
please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf


task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login


did not appear.



Hi Kevin…

Thanks. Will try.



Kevin Stallard wrote:

It’s in the BIOS setup…you tell the BIOS that the IRQs you don’t want to
use are reserved. I told it to reserver 11 and 10, and then it assigned 5
to the nic.

Also, it may depend on which slot you have your card…

“Miguel Simon” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …

Hi Kevin…

I wonder how you forced an irq on your NIC card? Thanks.


Kevin Stallard wrote:

k…I think I found it…it seems that IRQ 11 is flaky and IRQ 10


work at all. I finally got everything to work consistently by having


assign to my NIC…so far so good anyway.

But I’m pretty sure its an IRQ thing…so thanks for all the help.

“Kevin Stallard” <>> > wrote in message
news:ah45fs$isv$>> …

I’m working on a simple app that sends/receives UDP packets at regular

After some period of time, the network stops working and sendto() fails


the above error (No buffer space available). Also the “ping” utility


with the same error as well as qnet is inoperative.

When this occurs, I take a look at nicinfo, then run “ping” and check
nicinfo again. The numbers are frozen and do not change (none of them).


requires the slaying of io-net and restarting for the network (both


and qnet) to come up again.

I’ve included the output of nicinfo, qnetstats, pci -v, and pidin. I


reproduce it easily, so if there is any other info that would be


please let me know.

One other note…after I collected the above info, I slayed io-net and
photon ceased to receive keyboard input (the mouse worked) and the shelf


task bar stopped responding. I was able to open new terminal windows by
right-clicking on the desktop, but could not type anything.

I tried shift-ctrl-alt-bkspace which cleared the desktop, but the screen
space for the shelf and task bar was not cleared and the photon login


did not appear.

