Hi again!
How may this happen?
My Script (i told about in Fatal BUG? 14.10.2002 in this newsgroup) which
should log into my database now shows up a new interesting behavior:
As I told my script runs to log every x seconds a line into a postgrsql
table, sleeps for x seconds and loops…
The ps command wasn’t running the right way.
My script says postgresql has no client connections free anymore.
Hmmm, i thought… what now.
I Strg-C’d my script and Strg-D’d that Terminal Window (which was no ttyp1).
Now i called the stop routine of postgresql AND opened a new Terminal-Window
(which was again ttyp1).
A was confused, now i got strange messages “Fatal 1: Database is shutting
down” on my new Terminal Window…
Ahhh! But? What?
Please, can anyone help me what was this? How can the script run if I
terminated it an closed that Window (which should kill them, too)?
Thanks in advance…