Dynapro SC3 touch screen controller driver for QRTP?

The subject says it all - does one exist? If not, what touch screen
controllers are supported? Thanks.

Bruce Davis <bruce.r.davis@boeing.com> wrote:

The subject says it all - does one exist? If not, what touch screen
controllers are supported? Thanks.

`ls /usr/photon/bin/devi*’

ok, that gets me a cursor (which I will actually want to get rid of), but
it doesn’t follow where I touch the screen. Is there a program like
acalib to calibrate the touch screen? Thanks.

pete@qnx.com wrote:

Bruce Davis <> bruce.r.davis@boeing.com> > wrote:
The subject says it all - does one exist? If not, what touch screen
controllers are supported? Thanks.

`ls /usr/photon/bin/devi*’

Bruce Davis <bruce.r.davis@boeing.com> wrote:

ok, that gets me a cursor (which I will actually want to get rid of), but
it doesn’t follow where I touch the screen. Is there a program like
acalib to calibrate the touch screen? Thanks.

OK… everyone else don’t look!! I mean it!!

Igor… I see you peeking!

