region, PhEmit

Hello everyone

I’m a bit confused with how i’m supposed to PhEmit a event from a
region, when the region is opaque to this event.
I’m having it opaque against key events, and i want to modify them, then
emit them again so they get to user… Havn’t been able to make this
working though :frowning: either they won’t get to user , or they get ‘stuck’ on
my region again…
Any example or more info on how to do this would be great!
Thanks alot


Johan Björk wrote:

Hello everyone

I’m a bit confused with how i’m supposed to PhEmit a event from a
region, when the region is opaque to this event.
I’m having it opaque against key events, and i want to modify them, then
emit them again so they get to user… Havn’t been able to make this
working though > :frowning: > either they won’t get to user , or they get ‘stuck’ on
my region again…
Any example or more info on how to do this would be great!
Thanks alot


Never mind about this, i fixed it :slight_smile: