Who are from Poland?

E-mail : radny@tenbit.pl
Numer GG : 2217194
Tel. : +48692142066

sorry my anglish isn’t good but i try explaint my problem with QNX Realtime
When i boot my computer with RTP Floppy boot .
First device are loaded next until 30 sec apearing words ''File system not
found ‘’ -just like this. What is the problem ? QNX RTP is installed.

E-mail : > radny@tenbit.pl
Numer GG : 2217194
Tel. : +48692142066

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 18:42:08 +0100, “Radny Paulo” <paulo@frugo.pl>

Opisz dokladnie sprzet, wersje systemu, rodzaj instalacji
(partycja czy Windows), sposob utworzenia dyskietki startowej itp.
Oglos to w qdn.public.qnxrtp.installation lub .newuser. Czy system
startuje poprawnie z dysku (bez dyskietki)?


sorry my anglish isn’t good but i try explaint my problem with QNX Realtime
When i boot my computer with RTP Floppy boot .
First device are loaded next until 30 sec apearing words ''File system not
found ‘’ -just like this. What is the problem ? QNX RTP is installed.
E-mail : > radny@tenbit.pl
Numer GG : 2217194
Tel. : +48692142066
