I am porting files written under watcom 10.6 compiler to gcc.
The files have manny nested arrays und structs and they are initialized with
static data.
The gcc compiler is more strict on setting braces in initialisation data,
and therefore it throws a lot
of warnings. Quite often I get a message cc: error 33 and the compiler
(Maybe all the warnings cause error 33 finally )
I then quit it with crtl-c, and get the shell-prompt. Doing that several
times, the system gets very slow
and a sin command shows me that several as-processes (assembler) are
running. I tried to slay
or “kill -9” them, but they remain. The only way to get the system running
again is to reboot.
Maybe s.o. has experienced similar problems
Greetings Norbert
AM3 AutoMotive MultiMedia AG
Ludwig-Quellenstr. 20
D-90762 Fuerth
Tel.: 0911-977 467-43
Fax.: 0911-977 467-80
Can you please post the output of pidin showing the as
Norbert Feulner <norbert.feulner@am3.com> wrote:
I am porting files written under watcom 10.6 compiler to gcc.
The files have manny nested arrays und structs and they are initialized with
static data.
The gcc compiler is more strict on setting braces in initialisation data,
and therefore it throws a lot
of warnings. Quite often I get a message cc: error 33 and the compiler
(Maybe all the warnings cause error 33 finally )
I then quit it with crtl-c, and get the shell-prompt. Doing that several
times, the system gets very slow
and a sin command shows me that several as-processes (assembler) are
running. I tried to slay
or “kill -9” them, but they remain. The only way to get the system running
again is to reboot.
Maybe s.o. has experienced similar problems
Greetings Norbert
AM3 AutoMotive MultiMedia AG
Ludwig-Quellenstr. 20
D-90762 Fuerth
Tel.: 0911-977 467-43
Fax.: 0911-977 467-80
Here is the output of pidin (I cut out some lines at the beginning)
pid tid name prio STATE Blocked
1 1 (n/a) 0f READY
1060901 3 r/photon/bin/shelf 10r NANOSLEEP
1097766 1 photon/bin/bkgdmgr 10r REPLY 954401
1097767 1 hoton/bin/wmswitch 10r RECEIVE 2
1097768 1 r/photon/bin/saver 10r REPLY 954401
1126441 1 r/photon/bin/pterm 10r RECEIVE 1
1126442 1 bin/sh 10r SIGSUSPEND
1601579 1 /pidin/x86/o/pidin 10r REPLY 1
1560621 1 usr/ntox86/bin/as 9r REPLY 221203
Colin Burgess <cburgess@qnx.com> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
Can you please post the output of pidin showing the as
Norbert Feulner <> norbert.feulner@am3.com> > wrote:
I am porting files written under watcom 10.6 compiler to gcc.
The files have manny nested arrays und structs and they are initialized
static data.
The gcc compiler is more strict on setting braces in initialisation
and therefore it throws a lot
of warnings. Quite often I get a message cc: error 33 and the compiler
(Maybe all the warnings cause error 33 finally )
I then quit it with crtl-c, and get the shell-prompt. Doing that several
times, the system gets very slow
and a sin command shows me that several as-processes (assembler) are
running. I tried to slay
or “kill -9” them, but they remain. The only way to get the system
again is to reboot.
Maybe s.o. has experienced similar problems
Greetings Norbert
AM3 AutoMotive MultiMedia AG
Ludwig-Quellenstr. 20
D-90762 Fuerth
Tel.: 0911-977 467-43
Fax.: 0911-977 467-80
Unfortunately you cut out the good information! ;v)
The as process is blocked on another process (221203). I would
need to see what that is. Are you compiling over nfs?
Could you please post the full pidin output?
Norbert Feulner <norbert.feulner@am3.com> wrote:
Here is the output of pidin (I cut out some lines at the beginning)
pid tid name prio STATE Blocked
1 1 (n/a) 0f READY
1060901 3 r/photon/bin/shelf 10r NANOSLEEP
1097766 1 photon/bin/bkgdmgr 10r REPLY 954401
1097767 1 hoton/bin/wmswitch 10r RECEIVE 2
1097768 1 r/photon/bin/saver 10r REPLY 954401
1126441 1 r/photon/bin/pterm 10r RECEIVE 1
1126442 1 bin/sh 10r SIGSUSPEND
1601579 1 /pidin/x86/o/pidin 10r REPLY 1
1560621 1 usr/ntox86/bin/as 9r REPLY 221203
Colin Burgess <> cburgess@qnx.com> > schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
8rl6tu$kgt$> 3@nntp.qnx.com> …
Can you please post the output of pidin showing the as
Norbert Feulner <> norbert.feulner@am3.com> > wrote:
I am porting files written under watcom 10.6 compiler to gcc.
The files have manny nested arrays und structs and they are initialized
static data.
The gcc compiler is more strict on setting braces in initialisation
and therefore it throws a lot
of warnings. Quite often I get a message cc: error 33 and the compiler
(Maybe all the warnings cause error 33 finally )
I then quit it with crtl-c, and get the shell-prompt. Doing that several
times, the system gets very slow
and a sin command shows me that several as-processes (assembler) are
running. I tried to slay
or “kill -9” them, but they remain. The only way to get the system
again is to reboot.
Maybe s.o. has experienced similar problems
Greetings Norbert
AM3 AutoMotive MultiMedia AG
Ludwig-Quellenstr. 20
D-90762 Fuerth
Tel.: 0911-977 467-43
Fax.: 0911-977 467-80
I am having the same problem with cc. If qcc gets an error (eg error 33) it
hangs in the shell and ctrl-c will break it but the “as” process continues
running. I am new to QNX development. For my initial stab at coding I am
mounting a windows shared area using fs-cifs in QNX. This allows me to edit my
code from a windows environment but perform the compilation on the QNX system.
It appears that the “as” process is blocking on the “fs-cifs” process somehow.
I am including the complete listing of pidin that shows one instance of the
“as” process which is just about pegging my processor usage (in photon
desktop). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Having to reboot the system
for every compiler error is getting a little cumbersome.
A few years back I was fairly proficient at writing device drivers in VxWorks but
have been sidetracked writing Windows applications for the last three years. I
am still a bit “culture-shocked” trying to re-awaken my Unix skills and
experience. Please Help.
pid tid name prio STATE Blocked
1 1 (n/a) 0f READY
1 2 (n/a) 10r RECEIVE 1
1 3 (n/a) 10r RECEIVE 1
1 4 (n/a) 15r RECEIVE 1
1 5 (n/a) 10r RUNNING
1 6 (n/a) 10r RECEIVE 1
1 7 (n/a) 6r NANOSLEEP
1 8 (n/a) 15r RECEIVE 1
2 1 sbin/tinit 10o REPLY 204820
3 1 proc/boot/slogger 10o RECEIVE 1
12292 1 queue/x86/o/mqueue 10o RECEIVE 1
5 1 proc/boot/pci-bios 12o RECEIVE 1
6 1 roc/boot/devb-eide 10o SIGWAITINFO
6 2 roc/boot/devb-eide 21r RECEIVE 1
6 3 roc/boot/devb-eide 21r RECEIVE 4
6 4 roc/boot/devb-eide 10o RECEIVE 10
6 5 roc/boot/devb-eide 10r CONDVAR b0374468
6 6 roc/boot/devb-eide 10o RECEIVE 7
6 7 roc/boot/devb-eide 10o RECEIVE 7
6 8 roc/boot/devb-eide 9o RECEIVE 7
7 1 devc-con 10o RECEIVE 1
8 1 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 10o RECEIVE 1
8 2 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 10o SIGWAITINFO
8 3 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 9o RECEIVE 1
8 4 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 10o RECEIVE 1
8 5 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 9o RECEIVE 1
8 6 .1/x86/sbin/fs-pkg 10o RECEIVE 1
4105 1 to/pipe/x86/o/pipe 10o RECEIVE 1
4105 2 to/pipe/x86/o/pipe 9o RECEIVE 1
4105 3 to/pipe/x86/o/pipe 9o RECEIVE 1
4105 4 to/pipe/x86/o/pipe 9o RECEIVE 1
147466 1 usr/sbin/dumper 10o RECEIVE 1
57355 1 devc-pty 20o RECEIVE 1
90124 1 devc-ser8250 24o RECEIVE 1
122893 1 sbin/devb-fdc 10o SIGWAITINFO
122893 2 sbin/devb-fdc 21r RECEIVE 1
122893 3 sbin/devb-fdc 10o RECEIVE 7
122893 4 sbin/devb-fdc 10o CONDVAR b0374468
122893 5 sbin/devb-fdc 10o RECEIVE 4
122893 6 sbin/devb-fdc 10o RECEIVE 4
118798 1 bin/dhcp.client 10o NANOSLEEP
90127 1 devc-par 10o RECEIVE 1
90127 2 devc-par 9r CONDVAR 804e83c
4628496 1 r/photon/bin/pterm 10r RECEIVE 1
90129 1 sbin/io-net 10o SIGWAITINFO
90129 2 sbin/io-net 9o READY
90129 4 sbin/io-net 21o RECEIVE 4
90129 5 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 1
90129 6 sbin/io-net 17f CONDVAR 805d8d4
90129 7 sbin/io-net 21r RECEIVE 11
90129 8 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 1
90129 9 sbin/io-net 19f CONDVAR 80522ec
90129 10 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 1
90129 12 sbin/io-net 18f CONDVAR 805bdb4
405522 1 usr/photon/bin/pwm 10r RECEIVE
106515 1 oler/x86/o/spooler 10o RECEIVE 1
106515 2 oler/x86/o/spooler 10o SIGWAITINFO
204820 1 /photon/bin/Photon 12r RECEIVE 1
249877 1 ton/bin/fontsleuth 6o RECEIVE 1
4628502 1 bin/sh 10r SIGSUSPEND
241687 1 hoton/bin/phfontFA 12r RECEIVE 1
282648 1 io-graphics 12r REPLY 204820
450585 1 r/photon/bin/shelf 10r RECEIVE 1
450585 2 r/photon/bin/shelf 10r CONDVAR b04f9ea4
299034 1 o/x86/o/devi-hirun 15o RECEIVE 1
299034 2 o/x86/o/devi-hirun 10o REPLY 7
299034 3 o/x86/o/devi-hirun 12o SIGWAITINFO
299034 4 o/x86/o/devi-hirun 15o RECEIVE 1
487451 1 photon/bin/bkgdmgr 10r REPLY 204820
487452 1 hoton/bin/wmswitch 10r RECEIVE 2
487453 1 r/photon/bin/saver 10r REPLY 204820
4161566 1 r/photon/bin/pterm 10r RECEIVE 1
499743 1 ./Xphoton 10r SIGWAITINFO
499744 1 gtwm 10r SIGWAITINFO
4161569 1 bin/sh 10r REPLY 57355
557090 1 usr/sbin/fs-cifs 9r READY
557090 2 usr/sbin/fs-cifs 9r RECEIVE 1
557090 3 usr/sbin/fs-cifs 10r RECEIVE 1
557090 4 usr/sbin/fs-cifs 9r RECEIVE 1
557090 5 usr/sbin/fs-cifs 10r RECEIVE 1
4796451 1 bin/pidin 10r REPLY 1
4554789 1 usr/ntox86/bin/as 9r REPLY 557090
of warnings. Quite often I get a message cc: error 33 and the compiler
(Maybe all the warnings cause error 33 finally )
I then quit it with crtl-c, and get the shell-prompt. Doing that several
times, the system gets very slow
and a sin command shows me that several as-processes (assembler) are
running. I tried to slay
or “kill -9” them, but they remain. The only way to get the system
again is to reboot.