qcc -E doesn't work ...

There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

Also: why is it not possible to start a ultility if the system is under
heavy load during a compilation?? I see all the time messages like:
can’t fork … try later again or
Interrupted system call =:-/ . What’s the problem ??


dachs@web.de wrote:

There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

From the gcc manual

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to
the standard output.

and this is the behaviour of qcc. However, it appears that gcc doesn’t follow
it’s own manual. :v(

I’ll add a change request to our system.

Also: why is it not possible to start a ultility if the system is under
heavy load during a compilation?? I see all the time messages like:
can’t fork … try later again or
Interrupted system call =:-/ . What’s the problem ??



speaking of gcc -E, why doesn’t our /usr/bin/cpp support -undef?
Do we have a real old version? Looks like lots other Unix (linux, bsd,
solaris)'s cpp has this “-undef” option.


On 1 Oct 2001, Colin Burgess wrote:

dachs@web.de > wrote:
There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

From the gcc manual

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to
the standard output.

and this is the behaviour of qcc. However, it appears that gcc doesn’t follow
it’s own manual. :v(

I’ll add a change request to our system.

Also: why is it not possible to start a ultility if the system is under
heavy load during a compilation?? I see all the time messages like:
can’t fork … try later again or
Interrupted system call =:-/ . What’s the problem ??




Frank Liu <liug@mama.indstate.edu> wrote:

speaking of gcc -E, why doesn’t our /usr/bin/cpp support -undef?
Do we have a real old version? Looks like lots other Unix (linux, bsd,
solaris)'s cpp has this “-undef” option.

It’s actually the cpp from gcc 2.95.2, from which support for -undef
was dropped (don’t ask me why!)


On 1 Oct 2001, Colin Burgess wrote:

dachs@web.de > wrote:
There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

From the gcc manual

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to
the standard output.

and this is the behaviour of qcc. However, it appears that gcc doesn’t follow
it’s own manual. :v(

I’ll add a change request to our system.

Also: why is it not possible to start a ultility if the system is under
heavy load during a compilation?? I see all the time messages like:
can’t fork … try later again or
Interrupted system call =:-/ . What’s the problem ??





Colin Burgess wrote:

dachs@web.de > wrote:

There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

From the gcc manual

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to
the standard output.

and this is the behaviour of qcc.

Your statement is just theory … qcc -E sends nothing to standard

output :slight_smile:


However, it appears that gcc doesn’t follow
it’s own manual. :v(

I’ll add a change request to our system.

Also: why is it not possible to start a ultility if the system is under
heavy load during a compilation?? I see all the time messages like:
can’t fork … try later again or
Interrupted system call =:-/ . What’s the problem ??


Armin <a-steinhoff@web.de> wrote:

Colin Burgess wrote:

dachs@web.de > wrote:

There is curious problem … the precompilation with QCC -E and qcc -E
doesn’t work.

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Replacing QCC by gcc creates the expected result …

From the gcc manual

-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent to
the standard output.

and this is the behaviour of qcc.

Your statement is just theory … qcc -E sends nothing to standard
output > :slight_smile:

Oh yeah?

Script started on Tue Oct 2 11:28:19 2001
cburgess:/home/cburgess/src/test >qcc -E -o hello.h hello.c

1 “hello.c”

1 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 1 3


1 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 1 3


20 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 3


1 “/usr/include/sys/compiler_gnu.h” 1 3


1 “/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h” 1 3


67 “/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h” 3


142 “/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h” 3


31 “/usr/include/sys/compiler_gnu.h” 2 3

typedef int _Int64t attribute((mode(DI),aligned(8)));
typedef unsigned int _Uint64t attribute((mode(DI),aligned(8)));

typedef unsigned _Uint32t attribute((aligned(4)));
typedef int _Int32t attribute((aligned(4)));

typedef int _Int16t attribute((mode(HI),aligned(2)));
typedef unsigned int _Uint16t attribute((mode(HI),aligned(2)));

typedef int _Int8t attribute((mode(QI),aligned(1)));
typedef unsigned int _Uint8t attribute((mode(QI),aligned(1)));

typedef int _Intptrt attribute((mode(pointer)));
typedef unsigned int _Uintptrt attribute((mode(pointer)));

104 “/usr/include/sys/compiler_gnu.h” 3

extension typedef long long _Longlong;
extension typedef unsigned long long _ULonglong;


22 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 2 3


1 “/usr/include/x86/platform.h” 1 3

typedef char *__va_list;

typedef unsigned __jmpbufalign;

55 “/usr/include/x86/platform.h” 3


34 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 2 3


54 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 3


129 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 3


1 “/usr/include/_pack64.h” 1 3

#pragma pack()


178 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 2 3


1 “/usr/include/sys/target_nto.h” 1 3


212 “/usr/include/sys/target_nto.h” 3


240 “/usr/include/sys/target_nto.h” 3

typedef _Int8t _Intleast8t;
typedef _Uint8t _Uintleast8t;
typedef _Int8t _Intfast8t;
typedef _Uint8t _Uintfast8t;

typedef _Int16t _Intleast16t;
typedef _Uint16t _Uintleast16t;
typedef _Int16t _Intfast16t;
typedef _Uint16t _Uintfast16t;

typedef _Int32t _Intleast32t;
typedef _Uint32t _Uintleast32t;
typedef _Int32t _Intfast32t;
typedef _Uint32t _Uintfast32t;

typedef _Int64t _Intleast64t;
typedef _Uint64t _Uintleast64t;
typedef _Int64t _Intfast64t;
typedef _Uint64t _Uintfast64t;

typedef _Int64t _Intmaxt;
typedef _Uint64t _Uintmaxt;


182 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 2 3

typedef _Uint32t _Wchart;

typedef _Wchart _Wintt;

typedef struct _Mbstatet { _Wchart _Wchar; char _State; char _Reserved[3]; } _Mbstatet;

typedef unsigned _Sizet;

typedef int _Ssizet;

typedef _Intptrt _Ptrdifft;

typedef _Int32t _Offt;

typedef _Int64t _Off64t;

typedef struct _Fpost { _Off64t _Off; _Mbstatet _Wstate; } _Fpost;

typedef _Int8t _int8;
typedef _Uint8t _uint8;
typedef _Int16t _int16;
typedef _Uint16t _uint16;
typedef _Int32t _int32;
typedef _Uint32t _uint32;
typedef _Int64t _int64;
typedef _Uint64t _uint64;
typedef _Intptrt _intptr;
typedef _Uintptrt _uintptr;


1 “/usr/include/_packpop.h” 1 3

#pragma pack()


279 “/usr/include/sys/platform.h” 2 3


17 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 2 3


1 “/usr/include/_pack64.h” 1 3

#pragma pack()


27 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 2 3

typedef _Sizet size_t;

typedef _Offt off_t;

typedef struct _Filet {
unsigned int _Mode;
int _Handle;
unsigned char *_Buf;
unsigned char *_Bend;
unsigned char *_Next;
unsigned char *_Rend;
unsigned char *_Wend;
unsigned char *_Rback;
_Wchart *_WRback;
_Wchart _WBack[2];
unsigned char *_Rsave;
unsigned char *_WRend;
unsigned char *_WWend;
_Mbstatet _Wstate;
struct _Filet *_NextFile;
unsigned char _Back[2];
unsigned char _Cbuf;
unsigned char _Spare;
int _Tid;
unsigned short _Count;
unsigned short _Waiting;
} _Filet;

typedef _Filet FILE;

typedef _Fpost fpos_t;

extern FILE *_Files[16 ];

extern FILE _Stdin, _Stdout, _Stderr;

extern int _Multi_threaded;

extern void clearerr( FILE *__fp );
extern int fclose( FILE *__fp );
extern int feof( FILE *__fp );
extern int ferror( FILE *__fp );
extern int fflush( FILE *__fp );
extern int fgetc( FILE *__fp );
extern int fgetpos( FILE *__fp, fpos_t *__pos );
extern char *fgets( char *__s, int __n, FILE *__fp );
extern FILE *fopen( const char *__filename, const char *__mode );
extern int fprintf( FILE *__fp, const char *__format, … );
extern int fputc( int __c, FILE *__fp );
extern int fputs( const char *__s, FILE *__fp );
extern size_t fread( void *__ptr, size_t __size, size_t __n, FILE *__fp );
extern FILE *freopen( const char *__filename, const char *__mode, FILE __fp );
extern int fscanf( FILE
__fp, const char *__format, … );
extern int fseek( FILE *__fp, long int __offset, int __whence );
extern int fsetpos( FILE *__fp, const fpos_t *__pos );
extern long int ftell( FILE *__fp );
extern size_t fwrite( const void *__ptr, size_t __size, size_t __n, FILE *__fp );
extern char *gets( char *__s );
extern void perror( const char *__s );
extern int printf( const char *__format, … );
extern int puts( const char *__s );
extern int remove( const char *__filename );
extern int rename( const char *__old, const char *__new );
extern void rewind( FILE *__fp );
extern int scanf( const char *__format, … );
extern void setbuf( FILE *__fp, char *__buf );
extern int setvbuf( FILE *__fp, char *__buf, int __mode, size_t __size );
extern int sprintf( char *__s, const char *__format, … );
extern int sscanf( const char *__s, const char *__format, … );
extern FILE *tmpfile( void );
extern char *tmpnam( char *__s );
extern int ungetc( int __c, FILE *__fp );
extern int vfprintf( FILE *__fp, const char *__format, __va_list __arg );
extern int vprintf( const char *__format, __va_list __arg );
extern int vsprintf( char *__s, const char *__format, __va_list __arg );

extern FILE *fdopen( int __handle, const char *__mode );
extern int fileno( FILE *__fp);
extern int fseeko( FILE *__fp, off_t __offset, int __whence);
extern off_t ftello( FILE *__fp);
extern int putw(int __w, FILE *__stream);
extern int snprintf(char *__s, size_t __size, const char *__format, …) attribute((format (printf, 3, 4)));
extern int vsnprintf(char *__s, size_t __size, const char *__format, __va_list __arg) attribute((format (printf, 3, 0)));

extern FILE *_fsopen( const char *__filename, const char *__mode, int __shflag );
extern int _grow_handles( int __new_count );
extern int fcloseall( void );
extern int fgetchar( void );
extern int flushall( void );
extern int fputchar( int __c );
extern int vfscanf( FILE *__fp, const char *__format, __va_list __arg ) attribute((format (scanf, 2, 0)));
extern int vscanf( const char *__format, __va_list __arg ) attribute((format (scanf, 1, 0)));
extern int vsscanf( const char *__s, const char *__format, __va_list __arg ) attribute((format (scanf, 2, 0)));


230 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 3

extern FILE *popen( const char *__filename, const char *__mode );
extern int pclose( FILE *__stream );
extern char *tempnam(const char *__dir, const char *__pfx);


285 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 3

extern int getc( FILE *__fp );
extern int getchar( void );
extern int putc( int __c, FILE *__fp );
extern int putchar( int __c );

extern void flockfile( FILE *fp);
extern int ftrylockfile( FILE *fp);
extern void funlockfile( FILE *fp);


1 “/usr/include/_packpop.h” 1 3

#pragma pack()


338 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 2 3


359 “/usr/include/stdio.h” 3


1 “hello.c” 2

void bye(void)
void hi(void)
int main(int argc, char **argv)

printf(“one %d\n”, argc);
printf(“two %d\n”, argc);

return 0;
cburgess:/home/cburgess/src/test >exit
Script done on Tue Oct 2 11:28:30 2001


Colin Burgess wrote:

Armin <> a-steinhoff@web.de> > wrote:

[ clip …]

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Your statement is just theory … qcc -E sends nothing to standard output > :slight_smile:

Oh yeah?

Script started on Tue Oct 2 11:28:19 2001
cburgess:/home/cburgess/src/test >qcc -E -o hello.h hello.c

OK … THIS works … but not the precompilation of an include file.

Please have a look to to my QCC statement above :slight_smile:

BTW … gcc and c++ are working.


Armin <a-steinhoff@web.de> wrote:

Colin Burgess wrote:

Armin <> a-steinhoff@web.de> > wrote:

[ clip …]

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Your statement is just theory … qcc -E sends nothing to standard output > :slight_smile:

Oh yeah?

Script started on Tue Oct 2 11:28:19 2001
cburgess:/home/cburgess/src/test >qcc -E -o hello.h hello.c

OK … THIS works … but not the precompilation of an include file.
Please have a look to to my QCC statement above > :slight_smile:

BTW … gcc and c++ are working.

Oh - I see.

add -x c or -x c++ to have qcc treat it as a compilable file.



Colin Burgess wrote:

Armin <> a-steinhoff@web.de> > wrote:

Colin Burgess wrote:

Armin <> a-steinhoff@web.de> > wrote:

[ clip …]

QCC -E -I/usr/local/include/python2.1 -I/usr/local/include/sip
-I/usr/local/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include sipqtProxyqt.h -o

Your statement is just theory … qcc -E sends nothing to standard output > :slight_smile:

Oh yeah?

Script started on Tue Oct 2 11:28:19 2001
cburgess:/home/cburgess/src/test >qcc -E -o hello.h hello.c

OK … THIS works … but not the precompilation of an include file.
Please have a look to to my QCC statement above > :slight_smile:

BTW … gcc and c++ are working.

Oh - I see.

add -x c or -x c++ to have qcc treat it as a compilable file.

OK … thanks.
