Hi Kris
I’m not surprised about the 370. Didn’t Watcom get their start writing
mainframe software?
Yippie for monkies! I’m all for it. Since we’re speaking competely
hypothetically, would it be necessary for there to be support for all (or
even most) hardware platforms before QSSL would consider promoting Open
I would venture to guess that so far X86 is still by far the most popular
processor that RTP is being used on. (Though it has certainly outgrown it’s
usefullness.) So, let’s pretend for a moment that QSSL ports Open Watcom
and gets it to work for X86. Then, I’ll bet a bunch of us would try it and
say, “Oh my gosh this Watcom compiler is much better, faster and produces
better code than the GNU compiler.” Then, I’ll bet the folks using the
other hardware platforms would say, “Oh golly gee. If only the Watcom
compiler were available for my patform too!”
OK. Re-reading your post I notice your comment on return on investment. I
know that I’m already considered the cry-baby over there at QSSL but it
occurs to me that it would be very much worth QSSL’s while to find a better
compiler. RTP is supposed to be the “Real-Time” platform. And while I love
all of the new features of RTP, the fact is that almost across the board
QNX4 clocks in faster than similar routines written in RTP. Personally I
think that is largely the fault of the compiler.
Of course I’m being completely hypothetical. So while we’re on that
thought, let’s just all pretent that I won the lottery. Gee, I feel better
Bill Caroselli – 1(530) 510-7292
Q-TPS Consulting
“Kris Warkentin” <kewarken@qnx.com> wrote in message
Well, gcc/gdb don’t work on QNX either until we monkey with them so if
Watcom is released in some form of source, there would be no reason we
couldn’t monkey with it as well. >
BTW, my other posting was in error apparantly. A little ex-Watcom bird
me that internally, Watcom had beta support for several other
such as ppc, IBM 370, and alpha. So, perhaps our using watcom would be a
viable alternative if it were relatively easy to add other cpu support.
Ultimately it would come down to the amount of work to get Watcom going
all our targets vs. the investment we have in the Gnu toolchain.