In Rob Krten book at page 210 is taking about the pthread_mutex_timedlock
base on the CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of the CLOCK_REALTIME, but the QNX doc
is saying that the function is base on CLOCK_REAL_TIME.
Our test show this function is affected is we change the realtime clock. Is
the any other mutex or semaphore function not affected by the change of the
realtime clock. We need this for a monitoring system in a train. When two
wagon are connected together they must adjust their time but we don’t want
this change of time to affect mutex and timer.
In Rob Krten book at page 210 is taking about the pthread_mutex_timedlock
base on the CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of the CLOCK_REALTIME, but the QNX doc
is saying that the function is base on CLOCK_REAL_TIME.
Our test show this function is affected is we change the realtime clock. Is
the any other mutex or semaphore function not affected by the change of the
realtime clock.
I’ve already posted a response in this newsgroup directly answering this
question. Included in it was a clock monotonic version of
With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available.
On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
–Peter J. Schoenster <>
Rejean Senecal <>> > wrote:
In Rob Krten book at page 210 is taking about the
base on the CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of the CLOCK_REALTIME, but the QNX
is saying that the function is base on CLOCK_REAL_TIME.
Our test show this function is affected is we change the realtime clock.
the any other mutex or semaphore function not affected by the change of
realtime clock.