Eclipse Save Problem

I am running QNX Momentics PE 6.2.0A with the IDE patch.

I can no longer save my files in the Eclipse IDE. The following message is

Save Failed: org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.UniversalUniqueIdentifier

I was running the original 6.2.0 and I have just added the A patch for the
OS and the IDE. No change.

Please help ASAP! URGENT!

Mike Kadour

Is the hostname of your box in /etc/hosts? Eclipse can’t seem to save if it can’t
look up your hostname for some reason.

My /etc/hosts looks like this:

127.1 localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
127.1 drempel-smp

drempel-smp is the name of my box.


Mike Kadour <> wrote:

I am running QNX Momentics PE 6.2.0A with the IDE patch.

I can no longer save my files in the Eclipse IDE. The following message is

Save Failed: org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.UniversalUniqueIdentifier

I was running the original 6.2.0 and I have just added the A patch for the
OS and the IDE. No change.

Please help ASAP! URGENT!

Mike Kadour