Playing MP3s with and fs-cifs (x-post from OS)

Because of my acquisition of a 3com Audrey, I have been playing around
with QNX 6.0. What I noticed is that when playing MP3s that are on a
shared drive connected via fs-cifs, there is no buffering of
MP3splayed through phplay, no matter what the MPEG buffer environment
variables are set to. When the network cable is removed, the file
stops playing immediately. Others have investigated this and
discovered that when MP3s are streamed via http, this does not happen.
What is the interaction between and fs-cifs that causes
buffering not to work?

Because when it plays from fs-cifs mounts it is a filesystem and when it
plays from http it is using sockets. It is up the filesystem to buffer
in that situation. However, it is probably not a happy camper that you
took away it’s network connection.


Steve Z <> wrote:

Because of my acquisition of a 3com Audrey, I have been playing around
with QNX 6.0. What I noticed is that when playing MP3s that are on a
shared drive connected via fs-cifs, there is no buffering of
MP3splayed through phplay, no matter what the MPEG buffer environment
variables are set to. When the network cable is removed, the file
stops playing immediately. Others have investigated this and
discovered that when MP3s are streamed via http, this does not happen.
What is the interaction between and fs-cifs that causes
buffering not to work? > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL