I’m not sure if it is mentioned anywhere or not. I’ve just stumbled
across this mysef before and this was how I got around it. It may be
mentioned in the raw drawing chapter. If it’s not I’ll make a PR to
have it added. Something along the line of “Special Note: If you are
trying to draw to a region other than the one you own please use these
Is this documented anywhere?
I mean I really tried to RTFM. I swear I did. I just couldn’t come up with
I was playing with Graphic Contexts, Setting Translations, and everything
else I could think of.
“Rodney Dowdall” <> guisupport@qnx.com> > wrote in message
news:> 3D53D466.7090604@qnx.com> …
Hey Bill
You do the following:
PhRid_t OldRid;
PhRid_t Widgetrid;
OldRid = PgGetRegion ();
PtSetRegion ( Widgetrid );
/*Do some drawing */
PtSetRegion ( OldRid );
Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS) wrote:
I was not calling PgSetRegion().
When should I do that?
How do I get the region of the new window I’ve just created?
Do I need to restore the old region if a set a new one?
“Rodney Dowdall” <> guisupport@qnx.com> > wrote in message
news:> 3D53B5BF.2050903@qnx.com> …
Hey Bill
Are you calling the draw calls from a callback from within the base
window? If you are are you making a call to PgSetRegion? Would it be
possible for you to send some sample code?
Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS) wrote:
This is a completely separate window from the base window. Actually
what is
happening is this:
base window button press pulls up a dialog.
dialog window put-on press pulls up a new window.
I am trying to draw several bitmaps on this new window (I’m still stuck
the first one).
The first time I try my PgDrawBitmap() nothing visible shows up
The second time I try to draw my bitmap is in a callback after someone
pressed a button on the new child window. But the bitmap shows up in
relative position I gave but relative to the dialog window (I think.
dialog almost perfectly overlays the base window, except for the base
title bar.) Thereafter the bit map shows up on the child window.
“Rodney Dowdall” <> guisupport@qnx.com> > wrote in message
news:> 3D539B10.3070207@qnx.com> …
Hey Bill
Thant depends on what you mean by “Sub Window”…Are you trying to
to a child window ( a completly seperate window then your base
window )
or a different section of the window in a raw widget?
Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS) wrote:
OK. I see that the canvas is not what I need to get.
What do I need to do to make this work?
“Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS)” <> QTPS@EarthLink.net> > wrote in message
news:aiuqkc$fsr$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …
I’m trying to do raw drawing into a sub window.
No matter what I try I see:
- nothing after the first PgDraw()s when the sub window is created.
- the position of the PgDraw()s are relative to the parent window
second PgDraw() (after the first callback).
3. the position of the PgDraw()s are in the correct place after the
attempt (the second callback).
4. If I switch to a different Photon console then back again the
attempt to draw is in the correct place.
5. If I click on the parent window the next attempt to draw is
the parent again.
I am trying to get the canvas of the sub-window and do a set
But that isn’t helping. I’m also doing a PgFlush();
What is the proper procedure?