ARTICLE: QNX RTOS v. 6.0 Resource Managers: Using MsgSend()

QNX RTOS v. 6.0 Resource Managers: Using MsgSend() and MsgReply()
By Chris McKillop <>, QNX Software Systems Ltd.

This article will show, by example, how to write a QNX RTOS v. 6.0
resource manager skeleton that will give QNX 4 developers the comfy
feeling of still being able to send to a process ID (well, not quite,
but close enough). The skeleton should also give developers the
ability to go beyond what QNX 4 was capable of when they have
the opportunity.

With the release of QNX RTOS v. 6.0, developers moving from QNX 4
can use the name_*() API or the QNX 4 Migration Kit to start doing
code in a familiar way without much of a learning curve. However,
both of these options hide all the QNX RTOS v. 6.0-specific details
from the developer, making it hard to start taking advantage of
the new features the new OS provides.

NOTE: If you haven’t read the QNX RTOS v. 6.0 (Neutrino) System
Architecture guide, you should do so before going on at

IPC under the two OSs

Since many of the people reading this will not have written a line
of code for QNX 4, they may need to be brought up to speed with
the differences between IPC (inter-process communication) on QNX
RTOS v. 6.0 and QNX 4. First, both OSs use a notion of Send/Receive/
Reply for messaging. This IPC mechanism is (generally) used in a
synchronous manner - the sending process waits for a reply from
the receiver and a receiver waits for a message to be sent. This
provides a very easy call-response synchronization.

QNX 4 approach

Under QNX 4, the Send() function call needed only the process ID of
the receiving process. QNX 4 also provided a very simple API for
giving a process name and, in turn, looking up that name to get a
process ID. So you could name your server process, and then your
client process could look up that name, get a process ID (pid), and
then Send the server data and wait for a reply. This model worked
well in a non-threaded environment.

QNX RTOS v. 6.0 approach

Since QNX RTOS v. 6.0 included proper thread support, the notion of
having a single conduit into a process didn’t make a lot of sense, so
a more flexible system was designed. To perform a MsgSend() under
QNX RTOS v. 6.0, you no longer need a pid, but rather a connection ID
(coid). This coid is obtained from opening a connection to a channel.
Processes can now create multiple channels and can have different
threads service any (or all) of them. The issue now becomes: How does
a client get a coid in the first place so it can open a connection to get
the coid it needs to perform the MsgSend()?

There are many different ways this kind of information sharing can
occur, but the method that falls in line with the QNX RTOS v. 6.0
design ideals is for the server to also be a Resource Manager.

A Resource Manager is a term for a process that handles resources
in the filesystem. The kernel (procnto) is itself a Resource Manager -
/dev/null, /proc, and several other resources are handled by procnto
in the same way any other process handle them. Under QNX RTOS
v. 6.0, and other POSIX systems, when you call open() you get back
a file descriptor (fd). But this fd is also a coid!!! So instead of
registering a name, as in QNX 4, your server process registers a
path in the filesystem and the client opens that path to get the
coid to talk to the server.

A client/server example

The best way to learn is by example. We’ll now go over
a simple client/server that can be used as the starting point
for any similar project. There are two source files - I recommend
that you right-click on each one and open them in a separate
browser windows. This way you can keep the code in one window
while you read this article in another.

server.c (
client.c (

The server

Let’s begin with the server. If you’ve had a chance to read over the
chapter on Writing a Resource Manager in the Programmer’s Guide,
you’ll see some similarities between this example and that one, but
also some differences. If you haven’t read this guide, I recommend
that you do.

The first action the server will take is to create a dispatch handle
(dpp) using dispatch_create(). This handle will be used later when
making other calls into the dispatch portion of the library. This is
important - the bottom layer of a resource manager is the dispatch
layer. This layer takes care of receiving incoming messages and
routing them to the right layer above (resmgr, message, pulse).

After the dispatch handle is created, the server sets up the
variables needed to make a call into resmgr_attach(). But since
we’re not using the resmgr functionality for anything more then
getting a connection ID to use with MsgSend(), the server sets up
everything to defaults. We don’t need (or want) to worry about I/O
and connection messages right now (like the messages that open/
close/read/write/… generate); we just want them to work and do the
right thing. Luckily, there are defaults built into the C library to
handle these types of messages for you, and iofunc_func_init()
sets up these defaults. The call to iofunc_attr_init sets up the
attribute structure so that the entry in the filesystem has the
specified attributes.

Finally, the call to resmgr_attach() is made. For our purposes,
the most important parameter is the third. In this case we’re
registering the filesystem entry serv. Since an absolute path wasn’t
given, the entry will appear in the same directory where the server
was run. All of this will give us a filesystem entry that can be
open()'d and close()'d, but generally behaves the same as /dev/null.
But that’s fine, since we want to be able to MsgSend() data to our
server, not write() data to the server.

Now that the resmgr portion of the setup is complete, we need to
tell the dispatch layer that we’ll be handling our own messages in
addition to the standard I/O and connection messages handled by
the resmgr layer. In order for the dispatch layer to know the general
attributes of the messages we’ll be receiving, the message_attr
structure is filled with information. In this case we’re telling it
that the number of message parts we’re going to receive is 1
with a max message size of 4096 bytes.

Once we have these attributes defined, we can register our intent
to handle messages with the dispatch layer by invoking
message_attach(). With this call we’re setting up message_callback
to be the handler of messages of type _IO_MAX + 1 up to and including
messages of _IO_MAX + 2. There’s even the option of having a pointer
to arbitrary data passed into the callback, but we don’t need that so
we’re setting it to NULL.

Some people might now be asking, “Message type _IO_MAX + 1?!? I don’t
see anything in the MsgSend() docs for setting a message type!”. This
is true. However, in order to play nice with the dispatch later, all
incoming messages should have a 32-bit integer at the start of the
message indicating the message type. Although this may seem
restrictive to a new QNX developer, the reason it’s in place is that
most designs will end up using some sort of message identification
anyway, and this just forces you into a particular style. This will
become clearer when we look at the client. But now let’s finish the

Now that we’ve registered both the resmgr and message handlers with
the dispatch layer, we simply create a context for the dispatch layer
to use while processing messages by calling dispatch_context_alloc
and then start receiving and processing data. This is a two-step

  1. The server calls dispatch_block(), which will wait for incoming
    messages and pulses.

  2. Once there’s data available, we call into dispatch_handler() to do
    the right thing based on the message data. It’s inside the
    dispatch_handler call that our message_callback will be invoked,
    when messages of the proper type are received.

    Finally, let’s look at what the message_callback actually does when a
    proper message is received. When a message of type _IO_MAX + 1 or
    _IO_MAX + 2 is received, our callback will be invoked. We get the
    message type passed in via the type parameter. The actual message
    data can be found in ctp->msg. When the message comes in, the server
    will print out the message type and the string that was sent from the
    client. It then prints out the offset from _IO_MAX of the message
    type and then finally formats a reply string and sends the reply back
    to the client via ctp->rcvid using MsgReply(). The server walk-through
    is now complete!

The client

The client is much simpler. It uses the open() function to get a
coid (the server’s default resmgr setup takes care of all of this on
the server side), and performs a MsgSend() to the server based on
this coid and waits for the reply. When the reply comes back, the
client prints out the reply data. The client can be optionally given
the command-line option -n# (where # is the offset from _IO_MAX)
to use for the message. If you give anything over 2 as the offset,
the MsgSend() will fail, since the server hasn’t set up handlers for
those messages! Neat, eh? Also, remember that since the server
registers a relative pathname, the client must be run from the same
directory as the server.

These examples are very basic, but still cover a lot of ground.
There are many other things you can do using this same basic

  • Register different message_callbacks based on different message
  • Register to receive pulses in addition to messages using
  • Override the default I/O message handlers so that clients can
    also use read() and write() to interact with your server.
  • Use thread-pools to make your server multi-threaded.

    I hope to cover some of these topics in future articles here on
    QDN. Part of learning is playing and experimenting, so I hope you’ll
    download the two source files and build and modify them. Feel free
    to use these two examples anyway you like - I’m sure I’ll use them in
    the future when I need to do another client/server project!

The two source files are easily built by invoking:

qcc -o client client.c
qcc -o server server.c

from the command line. Note that you must run server as root - a
requirement in order to use the resmgr_attach() function.

Happy Coding! See you at qdn.public.articles.

Kim Bigelow a écrit :

QNX RTOS v. 6.0 Resource Managers: Using MsgSend() and MsgReply()
By Chris McKillop <>> >, QNX Software Systems Ltd.

This article will show, by example, how to write a QNX RTOS v. 6.0
resource manager skeleton that will give QNX 4 developers the comfy
feeling of still being able to send to a process ID (well, not quite,
but close enough). The skeleton should also give developers the
ability to go beyond what QNX 4 was capable of when they have
the opportunity.

With the release of QNX RTOS v. 6.0, developers moving from QNX 4
can use the name_*() API or the QNX 4 Migration Kit to start doing
code in a familiar way without much of a learning curve. However,
both of these options hide all the QNX RTOS v. 6.0-specific details
from the developer, making it hard to start taking advantage of
the new features the new OS provides.

NOTE: If you haven’t read the QNX RTOS v. 6.0 (Neutrino) System
Architecture guide, you should do so before going on at

IPC under the two OSs

Since many of the people reading this will not have written a line
of code for QNX 4, they may need to be brought up to speed with
the differences between IPC (inter-process communication) on QNX
RTOS v. 6.0 and QNX 4. First, both OSs use a notion of Send/Receive/
Reply for messaging. This IPC mechanism is (generally) used in a
synchronous manner - the sending process waits for a reply from
the receiver and a receiver waits for a message to be sent. This
provides a very easy call-response synchronization.

QNX 4 approach

Under QNX 4, the Send() function call needed only the process ID of
the receiving process. QNX 4 also provided a very simple API for
giving a process name and, in turn, looking up that name to get a
process ID. So you could name your server process, and then your
client process could look up that name, get a process ID (pid), and
then Send the server data and wait for a reply. This model worked
well in a non-threaded environment.

QNX RTOS v. 6.0 approach

Since QNX RTOS v. 6.0 included proper thread support, the notion of
having a single conduit into a process didn’t make a lot of sense, so
a more flexible system was designed. To perform a MsgSend() under
QNX RTOS v. 6.0, you no longer need a pid, but rather a connection ID
(coid). This coid is obtained from opening a connection to a channel.
Processes can now create multiple channels and can have different
threads service any (or all) of them. The issue now becomes: How does
a client get a coid in the first place so it can open a connection to get
the coid it needs to perform the MsgSend()?

There are many different ways this kind of information sharing can
occur, but the method that falls in line with the QNX RTOS v. 6.0
design ideals is for the server to also be a Resource Manager.

A Resource Manager is a term for a process that handles resources
in the filesystem. The kernel (procnto) is itself a Resource Manager -
/dev/null, /proc, and several other resources are handled by procnto
in the same way any other process handle them. Under QNX RTOS
v. 6.0, and other POSIX systems, when you call open() you get back
a file descriptor (fd). But this fd is also a coid!!! So instead of
registering a name, as in QNX 4, your server process registers a
path in the filesystem and the client opens that path to get the
coid to talk to the server.

A client/server example

The best way to learn is by example. We’ll now go over
a simple client/server that can be used as the starting point
for any similar project. There are two source files - I recommend
that you right-click on each one and open them in a separate
browser windows. This way you can keep the code in one window
while you read this article in another.

server.c (>> )
client.c (>> )

The server

Let’s begin with the server. If you’ve had a chance to read over the
chapter on Writing a Resource Manager in the Programmer’s Guide,
you’ll see some similarities between this example and that one, but
also some differences. If you haven’t read this guide, I recommend
that you do.

The first action the server will take is to create a dispatch handle
(dpp) using dispatch_create(). This handle will be used later when
making other calls into the dispatch portion of the library. This is
important - the bottom layer of a resource manager is the dispatch
layer. This layer takes care of receiving incoming messages and
routing them to the right layer above (resmgr, message, pulse).

After the dispatch handle is created, the server sets up the
variables needed to make a call into resmgr_attach(). But since
we’re not using the resmgr functionality for anything more then
getting a connection ID to use with MsgSend(), the server sets up
everything to defaults. We don’t need (or want) to worry about I/O
and connection messages right now (like the messages that open/
close/read/write/… generate); we just want them to work and do the
right thing. Luckily, there are defaults built into the C library to
handle these types of messages for you, and iofunc_func_init()
sets up these defaults. The call to iofunc_attr_init sets up the
attribute structure so that the entry in the filesystem has the
specified attributes.

Finally, the call to resmgr_attach() is made. For our purposes,
the most important parameter is the third. In this case we’re
registering the filesystem entry serv. Since an absolute path wasn’t
given, the entry will appear in the same directory where the server
was run. All of this will give us a filesystem entry that can be
open()'d and close()'d, but generally behaves the same as /dev/null.
But that’s fine, since we want to be able to MsgSend() data to our
server, not write() data to the server.

Now that the resmgr portion of the setup is complete, we need to
tell the dispatch layer that we’ll be handling our own messages in
addition to the standard I/O and connection messages handled by
the resmgr layer. In order for the dispatch layer to know the general
attributes of the messages we’ll be receiving, the message_attr
structure is filled with information. In this case we’re telling it
that the number of message parts we’re going to receive is 1
with a max message size of 4096 bytes.

Once we have these attributes defined, we can register our intent
to handle messages with the dispatch layer by invoking
message_attach(). With this call we’re setting up message_callback
to be the handler of messages of type _IO_MAX + 1 up to and including
messages of _IO_MAX + 2. There’s even the option of having a pointer
to arbitrary data passed into the callback, but we don’t need that so
we’re setting it to NULL.

Some people might now be asking, “Message type _IO_MAX + 1?!? I don’t
see anything in the MsgSend() docs for setting a message type!”. This
is true. However, in order to play nice with the dispatch later, all
incoming messages should have a 32-bit integer at the start of the
message indicating the message type. Although this may seem
restrictive to a new QNX developer, the reason it’s in place is that
most designs will end up using some sort of message identification
anyway, and this just forces you into a particular style. This will
become clearer when we look at the client. But now let’s finish the

Now that we’ve registered both the resmgr and message handlers with
the dispatch layer, we simply create a context for the dispatch layer
to use while processing messages by calling dispatch_context_alloc
and then start receiving and processing data. This is a two-step

  1.  The server calls dispatch_block(), which will wait for incoming

messages and pulses.

  1.  Once there's data available, we call into dispatch_handler() to do

the right thing based on the message data. It’s inside the
dispatch_handler call that our message_callback will be invoked,
when messages of the proper type are received.

Finally, let’s look at what the message_callback actually does when a
proper message is received. When a message of type _IO_MAX + 1 or
_IO_MAX + 2 is received, our callback will be invoked. We get the
message type passed in via the type parameter. The actual message
data can be found in ctp->msg. When the message comes in, the server
will print out the message type and the string that was sent from the
client. It then prints out the offset from _IO_MAX of the message
type and then finally formats a reply string and sends the reply back
to the client via ctp->rcvid using MsgReply(). The server walk-through
is now complete!

The client

The client is much simpler. It uses the open() function to get a
coid (the server’s default resmgr setup takes care of all of this on
the server side), and performs a MsgSend() to the server based on
this coid and waits for the reply. When the reply comes back, the
client prints out the reply data. The client can be optionally given
the command-line option -n# (where # is the offset from _IO_MAX)
to use for the message. If you give anything over 2 as the offset,
the MsgSend() will fail, since the server hasn’t set up handlers for
those messages! Neat, eh? Also, remember that since the server
registers a relative pathname, the client must be run from the same
directory as the server.

These examples are very basic, but still cover a lot of ground.
There are many other things you can do using this same basic

  • Register different message_callbacks based on different message


  • Register to receive pulses in addition to messages using


  • Override the default I/O message handlers so that clients can

also use read() and write() to interact with your server.

  • Use thread-pools to make your server multi-threaded.

I hope to cover some of these topics in future articles here on
QDN. Part of learning is playing and experimenting, so I hope you’ll
download the two source files and build and modify them. Feel free
to use these two examples anyway you like - I’m sure I’ll use them in
the future when I need to do another client/server project!

The two source files are easily built by invoking:

qcc -o client client.c
qcc -o server server.c

from the command line. Note that you must run server as root - a
requirement in order to use the resmgr_attach() function.

Happy Coding! See you at qdn.public.articles.

Anyway, there is a big difference between a name_open(), used in QNX4 and
potentially useable in QNX6.0, and an open().
name_open() can find a service anywhere on a QRTP network, not open(). With
open() you have to know where to find the service.
name_open() is a great functionnality for network transparency.


Anyway, there is a big difference between a name_open(), used in QNX4 and
potentially useable in QNX6.0, and an open().
name_open() can find a service anywhere on a QRTP network, not open().
open() you have to know where to find the service.
name_open() is a great functionnality for network transparency.

When Qnet is fully functionnaly, all “devices” will be able under

So if you setup some standard for your own application, let say
your resmgr register their path under /dev. Then you “scan”
/net/*/dev/. To find where the device is. A little more work
but still very doable.


Mario Charest a écrit :

Anyway, there is a big difference between a name_open(), used in QNX4 and
potentially useable in QNX6.0, and an open().
name_open() can find a service anywhere on a QRTP network, not open().
open() you have to know where to find the service.
name_open() is a great functionnality for network transparency.

When Qnet is fully functionnaly, all “devices” will be able under

So if you setup some standard for your own application, let say
your resmgr register their path under /dev. Then you “scan”
/net/*/dev/. To find where the device is. A little more work
but still very doable.


Why Not! I keep the idea.

Thanks alain.