
i would like to watch dvd movie but when i try to start it the media player
tells me “dvdplayer.so not found”.i’ve tried to find this file everywhere without success. can anyone help me

Due to licensing, Qssl where not able to make this publically avail. So sorry, no DVD support in QNX. ‘VideoLan’ seems to be working on something though, but never got that working.

Watching DVD isn’t able in QNX, really, but, can we watch with phplay a file with extension AVI???
Because if the answer is YES, it would can do a AVI from a DVD, like a backup of our favourite film.

How about the mplayer port? Can that play them?

mplayer can play dvd’s iirc yes…

as for avi’s their a no no - but you could convert to mpeg’s.

The Media Player should not have the DVD option as a whole…

yeah?? Interesting, so convert the files AVI to files MPG would can be a form of watch backups-dvd (or dvd ripped), no?

AVI files are littered with various propritary codecs which is why their not playable with the Photon Media Player. Generic MPEG’s will play fine in the Photon Media Player - so if you want to dump them out as a specific format MPEG is the best choice…

That dosn’t make doing a DVD Dump => AVI => MPEG is a good idea though.

Use VideoLAN or mplayer if you desire DVD’s - or better yet; GET A MAC.


But then how would I run QNX? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

that!! how would we run QNX in a MAC? hehehehehehe :smiley:

My point was simple - if you wana watch DVD’s on a computer you should get a Mac…

Though I’m still of the opinion a NORMAL DVD player is the best option for DVD’s (Especally when you have a big TV).

I have a Sigma Designs Hollywood plus card and the media player says it can’t locate the module. I’ve just installed QNX NC 6.2.1. How do I get it to work?

I don’t think the module was ever made public

where can i find mplayer and videolan for qnx6.2.1?

Watching a DVD on even a large monitor doesn’t sound like my idea of fun. Might be just me, tho.