insertion callback not getting called


I attached a USB device and started the uhci usb stack. Typing usb from
the prompt gave the information about the device. But the insertion call
back never gets called in the USB driver. The usbd_connect() call which
provides the information regd. callback functions suceeds (returns EOK) .
The same code works fine with another device of the same class.

Could somebody tell me what could be wrong here ?


This problem is solved. Apparently the prob. was with the values in
usbd_connect_param_t structure.



I attached a USB device and started the uhci usb stack. Typing usb from
the prompt gave the information about the device. But the insertion call
back never gets called in the USB driver. The usbd_connect() call which
provides the information regd. callback functions suceeds (returns EOK) .

The same code works fine with another device of the same class.

Could somebody tell me what could be wrong here ?
