Debugging problems in 6.2.1a

Please check whether you have the right version of “qconn” as Peter says,
and additionally you need the “pdebug” file in your /usr/bin directory


“Jack Rosenbloom” <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Hi David,

I just re-installed 6.2.1B. The exact ewrror I get is

Can’t launch file for Appl:target launcher@localhost:8000: error
invalid argument setting working dir /tmp/qconnCAAb63864/


David Gibbs wrote:
Jack Rosenbloom <>> > wrote:

Thanks for the response. I have 2 questions.


  1. I don’t see an upload tab in version 6.2.1a. Should I, or is it only
    in 6.2.1B?

    No, I don’t think that tab existed in 6.2.1A. Part of the changes in
    B was in the launch mechanism.

  2. How sure are you that this solution will work. Switching between the
    A and B versions and back again is hours of work? By the way, what is a
    stripped executable?

    When you build a debug executable, it includes lots of debug information
    in the program as it resides on disk. This information is only needed
    by the debugger on the host side, and is not needed to execute the
    on the target. And, it can more than double the size of the executable.
    For small programs, not much of an issue…but if you’re program is 1M,
    then ending up with 3M because of debug… is an issue. The “strip”
    strips out (removes) the debug information from the executable, and
    only uploads the stuff actually needed to run the executable.

As to how sure am I this will work? Do you get an error dialog
saying that is is unable to open some (strange) pathname, with
a C: part way through the path? If that was your error, this
fixed it for me.
