QNX_HOST/QNX_TARGET environment variables lost

I installed QNX 6.3.0 SP2 on a single X86 machine. The QNX_HOST/QNX_TARGET
environment variables are alright for root, but are lost for users which
are setup using the standard tool to add users to the system (with ksh
selection). When they login, QNX_TARGET/QNX_HOST are simply set to ‘/’.

When searching for a topic within the helpviewer for the first time, a
data base is going to be set up. Unfortunately this setup is not
successful as it aborts on an error when searching for a file which is not
available. The name of this file starts with /var/help/usr/help/…
a directory which is definitely not in my system. Instead there is
/var/help/usr/qnx630/… This error occurs when searching for ‘Doxygen’
specifics, a packet which I downloaded from your webside using the usual
software installer.

Siegfried Gross <siegfried.gross@diehl-bgt-defence.de> wrote:

I installed QNX 6.3.0 SP2 on a single X86 machine. The QNX_HOST/QNX_TARGET
environment variables are alright for root, but are lost for users which
are setup using the standard tool to add users to the system (with ksh
selection). When they login, QNX_TARGET/QNX_HOST are simply set to ‘/’.

This problem was discussed here: