Problem with IRQ

Hi all,

I’ve a problem in configuring network card with qnx 4. I want to install three network cards in a qnx 4 PC but when I type show_pci, I watch that the PC affects only two IRQ numbers for the three cards : two cards have the same IRQ. So when I want to start the networks drivers, only two cars starts …

Do somebody know how to force or to affect differents IRQ to the network cards? (I watch in the bios but I did’nt found anything to change that, and I’ve not found the solution in the qnx books …)

Can you help me please!!!

IRQ are assigned by the BIOS, you could try moving cards around or disable devices you don’t use in the BIOS.

That being said, it should still work. I would be the problem is that you didn’t increase the number of network devices support by Net which default to 2. Try Net -d3

I’ve tried to disable devices I didn’t used but it doesn’t still work!!
You’re right about the Net -d3, I had to add this and when the IRQ are different it works, I tried in another PC where it affects differents IRQ to the network cards. But in the PC where it affects the same IRQ to two cards, it does’nt work…
Thanks for you help…
I will try another time with the BIOS…

I think two cards with same IRQ will not work. Try to use at start of the driver an option –i <IRQ_Num>

Thanks, I’ve already done it but as show_pci command show me that two cards are assigned to the same IRQ I can’t force …
But I’ve succeeded to have differents IRQ to all my network cards … I’m not sure how but I’ve changed the PCI port for one card and it works !!! When I type show_pci, the three cards have differents IRQ!!

Thanks a lot for your help!! :smiley:

If the cards are of the same modem, you must use -I to specify the card index. -I0 is the first card -I1 is the second and so on.

Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.

No problem, thanks a lot …
I’ve already done this before I’ve written to this forum …
The problem comes from the IRQ …
The IRQ must be different !!
I’ve succeeded now!!!