use QNX for FTP server machine?

Dear all
If I want to use the QNX machine for FTP server! How to setting the QNX? the other , I write a image that want to the same FTP server function. How to write?

The answer to your first question is, you start tcp on the QNX machine, along with inetd. Your inetd.conf file has to be setup to allow ftp. You also need user-id’s in the /etc/passwd file. I believe you need a password for each id, or ftp won’t let you login. Setting up anonymous ftp is a little trickier but can be done.

thanks ! I set the new user and password , so I can use the QNX FTP server. but the second I test for the Question.

I don’t understand what you are asking in the 2nd question.

“How to write?” explain…

“the other , I write a image that want to the same FTP server function. How to write?”

All I can suggest is that you find someone who is a little better translating to English. The statement above makes no sense to me. It looks like you want to write an image. I don’t know what that has to do with FTP.