Can't install 6.3 SP3 Windows/claims its already installed

I had 6.3 sp 2 on my windows box. I uninstalled it, but not in the right order (the BSP was left installed after I uninstalled mometics - and then I had to manually remove it).

As far as I know there are no QNX files on my hard drive. THe C:\qnx630 directory and the program files/qnx… dirs are gone.

No instances of the letters “QNX” occur in my registry.

I try to install 6.3 SP3 and it tells me

“A previous release of QNX Momentics exists on your machine. Please exit and uninstall the
previous release first. QNX Momentics 6.3.0 can only coexist with 6.2.1.”

I can’t seem to get past this.

Does anyone know what it’s looking for?

Also - a usability suggestion - performing this check prior to the user entering the license code might be more user-friendly.


I think the issue was environment variables. There were some QNX env variables left around. After I deleted them I was able to install. Thanks.

Ooops spoke too soon. It just took a long time to come back and tell me that I already have QNX installed.

I had same problem too when my 1st install to windows host failed, you need to remove the QNXHOST and QNXTARGET from SystemVariables and reboot your box.