Any contemporary (integrated or PCI) audio chipset?

Is there anybody who personally uses any audio chipset (integrated or PCI card, well - maybe ISA card too) under QNX4? What chipsets/audio standards are supported and how to make them working?
Are there some free applications for playing standard audio files/CDs under QNX4/Photon? Or how to test installed and supported (if any) audio device?

Thank you.

Audio support under QNX4 is basically non existent. There is an old port of Alsa stuff but that is about it.

There was a very basic (compared to Alsa) driver that mainly supported the more basic Sound Blaster Cards. I did a port at one time to another chipset, the name of which escapes me.

Audio2 ( qnx 4.25 ) supports cmedia and i810 audio chipsets.