I have tried for two days now to download the documentation in pdf form but none of the links work and i only managed to get the “ddk_audio.pdf” file.
Can anyone post a zip of all the documentation for me, or provide a link to a mirror?
Also even though i feel quite at home in a posix env i wouldnt mind finding a good console command breakdown on what alot of the propritary comands are. Took me about an hour to find fs-cifs as im way to accustomed to samba.
(should make an online ‘use’ page just like the online man pages)
Yea i have been trying all night to download the pdf’s but the connection keeps timing out. Its not my network causing it my friend has the same issues across IE and Firefox. Must be a nutload of ppl trying to download documentation.
Im using the online version but i like to have standalone files as i use a tablet and write notes and such within the files while reading. I would save the entire booklist html page but im sure i would get in trouble.