Strange indexing error

I’m porting a game to the QNX 6.3 and using compiler ver. 3.4.4
I have faced very strange error:
the code below doesn’t work:

UINT pIndicies = new UINT[ m_uiNum ];
for(UINT j=0; j<m_uiNum; j++)
fscanf( pFile, “%d”, &(m_pIndicies[j]) );

and at the same time the following code works fine:

UINT pIndicies = new UINT[ m_uiNum ];
for(UINT j=0; j<m_uiNum; j++)
fscanf( pFile, “%d”, &value );
m_pIndicies[j] = value;

What’s the problem?

I don’t understand why this code compile in the first place. UINT pIndices should be UINT* pIndices. And where did you get version 3.4.4?