QNX in VMware - Communication mechanisms

There is a necessity to communicate a QNX program that runs inside VMware on windows (VMware Workstation) with a program running on host OS, i.e. Windows. The first what occurs is using of network (TCP/IP) or serial (rs232) communication. But a small investigation shows that also “Virtual Machine Communication Interface” (or VMCI) exists. But it seems to be a part of VMware tools and is not available for QNX. Am I right? Maybe somebody knows a way or workaround that forces this API to work under QNX in VMware?
Does anybody know other mechanisms that allow to communicate programs in VMware/QNX and in Windows?
The purpose of my investigation is to find the most efficient mechanism.

Best regards,
Alexey Yahno.

The only method currently available is Serial and TCP/IP or course TCP/IP is the fastest. You might want to check community.qnx.com/sf/sfmain/do/v … cts.vmware