how to send double to Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING

Dear all,

I am new to qnx so kindly pardon me for my silly qns.

I am trying to display a value to a label using the following method

sprintf(cs, "%2.1f",s[i]); sprintf(cd, "%2.1f",d[i]); PtSetResource( ABW_Ptlbl_Speed, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING,cs, 0); PtSetResource( ABW_Ptlbl_Dist, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING,cd, 0);\

but is seems to crash the system

but when i used a static string like
PtSetResource( ABW_Ptlbl_Speed, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING,“TEST”, 0);

it seems to be ok.
It seems that i can use sprintf to pass the variable over.

Can anyhow help me out???
thanks in advance

it seems that it is not due to sprintf but when i insert a loop into it

i am really puzzle why a loop will cause a crash

    	for (i=1;i<15;i++){
    	sprintf(cs, "%2.1f",s[i]);
	sprintf(cd, "%2.1f",d[i]);

       	PtSetResource( ABW_Ptlbl_Speed, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING,cs, 0);
       	PtSetResource( ABW_Ptlbl_Dist, Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING,cd, 0);

error is:
Process 446480 (AntiB_gNiNo_NB1207392159576) terminated SIGSEGV code=1 fltno=11 ip=0117e154 mapaddr=00101154. ref=00000014

While this doesn’t explain your problem, you might want to note that if your code was working, the first 14 time though the loop would accomplish nothing visible.

To add to Mitch’s comment, I find the i=1 odd typicaly it would be 0. Also how have you defined the cs and cd variables?

For the conversion in sprintf I would use ‘lf’ (LF) if the variable is defined as double, at waht point does it crash?