USB Device Speed & Function (single, more)


Please help me in extracting the below information:

  1. get the speed of the USB device connected to the port
  2. check if the device provides Single or Multiple functions

Thanks a lot.

– Qnxdevelop

usb -vvv

Thanks for the info.

I know the usb -vvv command.

I want to know how to I extract this info by using the QNX USB DDK functions like usbd_configuration_descriptor(), usbd_device_descriptor() ,
or usbd_interface_descriptor() ?

If a device reports more than 1 configuration, does it mean its a Multiple function USB device?
OR If a device reports more than 1 interfaces PER single configuration, does it mean its a Multiple function USB device?

Whats the formula?

Thanks. Please clarify.


I’ll assume you’ve looked at the code examples that come with the DDK (keyboard, mouse and printer)?

The printer.c is the best example to look at. That sample code has examples of using the commands you mention.

Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to the 2nd part of your question.
