Can't boot from compact flash, getting .altboot??????? error

I have a SBC with a hard drive and a 32Mo compact flash. Currently QNX Neutrino is installed on the hard drive. I want to get ride of the hard drive and boot directly to the flash.

I used qnxbase.ifs as image file (since I’m sure its an ok one) and copied it to the flash using

dinit -f qnxbase.ifs /dev/hd1t79

I rebooted in QNX using th harddrive and do

dinit -hb /dev/hd1t79

to make it bootable.

But when I try to boot from the flash I always get the same error :


Do someone know and would tell me what am I doing wrong?



Do all the DINITs at once.

dinit -hb -f qnxbase.ifs /dev/hd1t79

Nope… it didn’t work… got the same problem… :frowning:

Ok get it booting for now… The press ESC for altboot msg show’s up and then a couple of dot’s and a free reboot every time…

Try it whit a custom image ans also qnxbase.ifs… same result… :frowning: